I fully understand, but my view is, when you add up the costs of the what's going inside this safe, does the math add up
I was looking for a decent safe in Jan, for a hunting camp, I looked at all the basic models and brands, again they all have better and cheaper models
I went with Champion, due to the most bangs for the buck, on fire, and build
saving a few $$ and GOD forbid something happens, is the wrong time to find out how well a safe is or isn't
TO be honest, good insurance is almost as good a good safe, just KNOW< most home owners ins only covers a SMALL amount of costs on firearms(had a gun store for many yrs)
I heard countless horror stories after fires and robbery's
I personally have GUN insurance, due to the homeowners cover's so little, lots of small print in homeowner's policy's to screw you
BIG heavy safes deter by size alone, so that's a plus, my one safe is 1800lbs empty, so I feel this way strongly LOL
next however is, HOW well built they are, as I said, go on youtube and watch how FAST they can get into some safes that LOOK solid
this is more where the true SAFE comes out of models, as again, just cause they LOOK Solid, doesn't mean they really are
way I view it is when I add up the costs of what I plan to put in the safe, the cost of the safe shouldn't be a TON less than what's in it to a point of course
view it like this, if this is a 54 gun , safe, and average gun say costs what 400 bucks(some lower and some a LOT higher)
do you really feel 20k+ in value in a 1000 dollar safe is good math??
and then look at TRUE quality safes that start at about 3k
and you start to see what the difference is and WHY the price difference is what it is, quality has a price, but also comes with peace of mind more??
NOT bashing anyone that buys what ever
I just again heard so many BAD sides to when BAD things happen, its an extra kick when your down I try to help others avoid
again, I base what level of safety I need based on what I plan to protect, and where I am at, and what insurance I have maybe too LOL and hey, not everyone can afford a 3 k safe too,
so have to live within your budget
any safe is better than NO safe ??