Start of a bug attack


New member
Seems like we are getting a bit of a run of bugs in our place and never had this type of problem before. Don't know my critters but, I can't even rule out bed bugs, which is freaking wife and I out (bed and mattress is brand new and ruling out manufacturer). Anyone with any home remedy solutions or just get an exterminator and blast them out. Thanks for any ideas.


New member
Seems like we are getting a bit of a run of bugs in our place and never had this type of problem before. Don't know my critters but, I can't even rule out bed bugs, which is freaking wife and I out (bed and mattress is brand new and ruling out manufacturer). Anyone with any home remedy solutions or just get an exterminator and blast them out. Thanks for any ideas.
This would be a great use for a smart phone with a camera. Take a picture of the bug and text it or email the pic to an exterminator and ask them what it is. Or match the bug to a pic on a can of bug spray and have at it yourself. Or google insects and research it yourself. And if you want multiple wrong answers post the picture here. (gotta love a smart phone).


New member
While there is a lot of information and pictures of bed bugs which you can cross reference on the web, hope like heck you don't have them because it is quite a problem to get rid of them, once you do have them. It is at epidemic levels for some reason so make sure you figure that out and deal with it swiftly.

Problem I have with turning the spraying over to a bug company is that you don't control where they spray or what they spray.

Most bug issues aside from bed bugs, originate from activity outside the home and can be stopped by spraying a wide band around the house with stuff from the big box stores. This keeps the spray out of YOUR environment. I would try this before giving up to any spray artists.


While there is a lot of information and pictures of bed bugs which you can cross reference on the web, hope like heck you don't have them because it is quite a problem to get rid of them, once you do have them. It is at epidemic levels for some reason so make sure you figure that out and deal with it swiftly.

Problem I have with turning the spraying over to a bug company is that you don't control where they spray or what they spray.
Most bug issues aside from bed bugs, originate from activity outside the home and can be stopped by spraying a wide band around the house with stuff from the big box stores. This keeps the spray out of YOUR environment. I would try this before giving up to any spray artists.

X2 I would take a close look what's going on outside your home