start of planets aligning TOMMORROW NITE

Will Have to go to Agate Beach... Went there the other nite to watch Northern Lights..Tons of stars no lights

here it was 3 million miles and hour slower than thought so should hit tommorrow nite



heres a view of the speed of the wind....look at how fast it freakin is.....the center circle is like the size of 50 earths for christs sake....first one was the 6th right at the start...then see the 7th plume....holy.....

here is the size of the earth in relation to size of plume headed thisaway....left lower line is 10 earths...right lower says it all

Dam bub, you really are a crazy effer.

well you already known that BROTHER many other science/computer nerds you know that make films jammin through the woods like you do makin films at 100MPH.....i'd say we both freakin crazy cause i seen you films my man.....100MPH 6 inches from you hand grip between jack pines

you should came up to da UP at the end o the season with us dude...wasnt bad at all...went april 24th even....looked just like this....everyone said its over....i dont think so
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Well-known member
Is this what you mean by planets aligning? This is the Twin Cities forcast of what you describe, I think......

Eye-popping meteor shower on tap in the skies tonight

"If the weather cooperates and keeps the clouds at bay, the most spectacular celestial light show of the year should be visible tonight.

The annual Perseid meteor shower is peaking in the northeast sky, with an average of 60 meteors an hour streaking to the ground.

The shower is one of the most reliable to occur every year over the Northern Hemisphere and emanates from a cloud of debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet as the Earth passes through it.

The meteors, most of them tiny and traveling at more than 2,600 miles per minute, should become visible about 8:30 p.m., which corresponds with sunset. According to astronomy websites, the display becomes more spectacular after midnight.

As for clear skies, the weather forecast for tonight includes the possibility of thunderstorms breaking through partly cloudy skies"
Is this what you mean by planets aligning? This is the Twin Cities forcast of what you describe, I think......

Eye-popping meteor shower on tap in the skies tonight

"If the weather cooperates and keeps the clouds at bay, the most spectacular celestial light show of the year should be visible tonight.

The annual Perseid meteor shower is peaking in the northeast sky, with an average of 60 meteors an hour streaking to the ground.

The shower is one of the most reliable to occur every year over the Northern Hemisphere and emanates from a cloud of debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet as the Earth passes through it.

The meteors, most of them tiny and traveling at more than 2,600 miles per minute, should become visible about 8:30 p.m., which corresponds with sunset. According to astronomy websites, the display becomes more spectacular after midnight.

As for clear skies, the weather forecast for tonight includes the possibility of thunderstorms breaking through partly cloudy skies"

NO....if you open that link in the very first post and read for 30 seconds you will see this

You know it's a good night when a beautiful alignment of planets is the second best thing that's going to happen.

Thursday, August 12th, is such a night.

The show begins at sundown when Venus, Saturn, Mars and the crescent Moon pop out of the western twilight in tight conjunction. All four heavenly objects will fit within a circle about 10 degrees in diameter, beaming together through the dusky colors of sunset. No telescope is required to enjoy this naked-eye event: sky map.

The planets will hang together in the western sky until 10 pm or so. When they leave, following the sun below the horizon, you should stay, because that is when the Perseid meteor shower begins. From 10 pm until dawn, meteors will flit across the starry sky in a display that's even more exciting than a planetary get-together.

then AFTER you see the planets align which is a seperate event....the meteor shower will begin which is event 2 on that nite....should be wild because of the pull on the meteors gravities by the aligned planets....might even knock some into a different orbit.....but the planets aligning is important.....stories tie in 2012 and this....this alignment could be the beggining of all that jazz...and during a meteor shower to boot which happens.....ONLY EVERY 133 am gonna be one he!! of a show

read this section and understand it

Changing frequency of geomagnetic reversals over time
The rate of reversals in the Earth's magnetic field has varied widely over time. 72 million years ago (Ma), the field reversed 5 times in a million years. In a 4-million-year period centered on 54 Ma, there were 10 reversals; at around 42 Ma, 17 reversals took place in the span of 3 million years. In a period of 3 million years centering on 24 Ma, 13 reversals occurred. No fewer than 51 reversals occurred in a 12-million-year period, centering on 15 million years ago. These eras of frequent reversals have been counterbalanced by a few "superchrons" – long periods when no reversals took place.[4]

It had generally been assumed that the frequency of geomagnetic reversals is random; in 2006, a team of physicists at the University of Calabria found that the reversals conform to a Lévy distribution, which describes stochastic processes with long-ranging correlations between events in time.[5]



Active member
we saw over 25...and then we lost count. It was an amazing show for us, guess we got lucky. We watched from 11:00 to 12:30 est Some were just HUGE with trails/tails that crossed the whole sky. If the clouds go away we're going to watch again tonight. One of those nights we won't ever forget
we saw over 25...and then we lost count. It was an amazing show for us, guess we got lucky. We watched from 11:00 to 12:30 est Some were just HUGE with trails/tails that crossed the whole sky. If the clouds go away we're going to watch again tonight. One of those nights we won't ever forget when one went off you then looked at the paulding light and.....what the he!! did you see??????????? you looked down the paulding site line and saw what while this was happening?????????? while this was going on did the light produce different colors??????????? could you FEEL the electricity in the damp air on your body?????????? no not when BIGFOOT was rubbing his BIGFEET on you.....not then dam it.....thats another story for penthouse for cry eye......get to the light and colors for gads wonder its unexplained....your all up in the deep woods doin the nasty while starin' at the stars....focus....focus and put the dam FUDGE DOWN