State Fair Hall of Fame Shame NO WAY TO ME !!!!


New member
Walking the midway of a fair or carnival is meant to be a fun family event, but nutritionally speaking, it's more of a haunted house. When the menu options include things like deep-fried candy bars, cheese-on-a-stick and cotton candy, it shouldn't come as a surprise that a day at the fair can quickly turn into a healthy eater's nightmare.

Unless you're the patron saint of balanced eating, it seems unlikely that you'll spend a day at the state fair and consume nary a corn dog. It's just what you do when you go to these types of events, right? Fine, enjoy a corn dog if you must (only 210 calories, according to FitSugar!).

Deep-fried candy bars. Here's the thing about fairs: They have a tendency to take something that's already too sweet, deep-fry it and add sugar to it. Does a Snickers bar with nearly 29 grams of sugar really need more sugar sprinkled on top? And that doesn't even address the whole "deep-fried" issue. According to The Consumerist, one of these has around 700 calories.

Giant turkey legs. I can already tell what you may be thinking: "Turkey is healthy! It's lean protein!" You're right on one count -- turkey is a healthy way to get your protein fix, but when it's deep-fried and served with skin in a humongous portion, it's not doing you any favors. In fact, just one is estimated to have more than 1,100 calories. That's five corn dogs!

Deep-fried butter. It's fat, dipped in dough and fried in fat. We told you about this one a couple of years ago, but we're still not over it. There's no official calorie count on this one, but keep in mind that before it's battered and deep fried, a stick of butter has about 800 calories and 88 grams of fat.

Chocolate-covered bacon. OK, I admit it. I'm intrigued by this creation from the Wisconsin State Fair. I like chocolate. I also like bacon. But together? Call me crazy, but I prefer my chocolate not filled with grease and processed meat. Bacon has about 60 calories a slice, while a tablespoon of chocolate has about 70 calories, so it's not the worst fair food you could eat, but stick to just one -- if you can stomach it.

Funnel cake. You thought deep-fried candy bars were bad? Funnel cake is even worse, with 760 calories. And that's before you add the jam, ice cream and whipped cream. Yikes.

Deep-fried macaroni and cheese. Mac 'n' cheese is a once-in-a-while treat as is. Fry it in fat? It becomes a once-in-a-lifetime-but-preferably-never kind of treat. With an estimated 610 calories, it's not the most fattening food on the list, but it is still one to avoid.

Spam curds. A hit at the Minnesota State Fair, Spam curds are basically Spam and cheese nuggets that are deep-fried. Oh, and they're topped off with ranch sauce. As if you needed it.

Deep-fried White Castle burger. Um, seriously? OK, a White Castle burger contains only 135 calories, but deep-frying it could triple that amount. Plus, it's served the classic American way -- with fries.

The Apostate

New member
Hmmm, am I the only one wondering what a deep fried apple might taste like? Or how about bacon wrapped bananas? Chocolate covered carrots anyone?


Well-known member
if you wander into a carnival midway looking to eat healthy you might NOT be a redneck,
you probably also just took a wrong turn offa the bike path on your way back to your kayak crowned subaru.


New member
What the writer of that article may look like

nobody's making you eat that food all the time.


New member
Hmmm, am I the only one wondering what a deep fried apple might taste like? Or how about bacon wrapped bananas? Chocolate covered carrots anyone?

Bacon wrapped bananas!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! looking for new desert ideas!!!!!!!! And deep fried too! I am going to try deep frying pickled eggs in a Shore lunch batter. Then.......... wrapping that in Bacon too!


New member
Bacon wrapped bananas!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! looking for new desert ideas!!!!!!!! And deep fried too! I am going to try deep frying pickled eggs in a Shore lunch batter. Then.......... wrapping that in Bacon too!
In the immortal words of someone," Dude that is frickin awesome!"


New member

1 scoop french vanilla ice cream
4 oz. cinnamon
4 oz. sugar
6 oz. cornflakes, crushed
1/2 oz. honey
Whipped cream

Mix sugar and cinnamon and roll one scoop of hard frozen ice cream in the mixture. Roll the ice cream in crushed cornflakes. Make sure flakes stick to the ice cream. Immediately place ice cream back into the freezer to harden. To deep fry, heat oil to 375 degrees and immerse the coated ice cream approximately 5 seconds. Allow oil to drain from ice cream, then place in dish. Pour honey over the ice cream and whipped cream around sides. Top with maraschino cherry.


New member
Had some chocolate covered bacon today at our county fair and next weekend is the WI State Fair...can you say CREME PUFFS, oh yum!!


Staff member
What about deep fried bacon?

Never had it, but imagine it snuggled inside the fried, sweet breading with a little maple syrup and powdered sugar on it.

If someone gets rich off this, I would appreciate a little kick back!
