State Trails


New member
I read in a thread under the area conditions and info section that according to the dnr state trails never close which means whether a county closes theirs for whatever reason state trails within that county would still remain open.. just looking for the truth to this statement and where one could find a list of all the state trails... Walworth county opened for a day and then closed the next day but a good area of the trails I rode that were not chisel plowed fields were not in that bad of shape thus why I am considering getting on a state trail and riding however I want to have all my ducks in a row in case I were to get stopped


Active member
Yeah good idea! P!ss off the landowners that the state trail runs on. Then you lose those trails. The state doesnt own all the land.

Dont be a fool!


New member
Well first off I'm not saying to go tearing through there the first dusting of snow we get that is just common sense, you would do more damage to your sled than you would to the land and second of all I believe land owners that give up a portion of their land for a state trail to go through either receive money annually or a one time check when the trail is first established through there land comparable to pipelines when they go in, perhaps I am wrong with the state funding for state trails going through private property but I don't see myself as being a "fool" for asking such a simple and honest question regarding my love for snowmobiling.
There are state corridor trails, but I haven't happened onto a DNR state trail. Individual counties rule all the trails in their county and they say which are open. Ours open tomorrow at noon, I heard.


New member
I am from the southern part of WI and there have been years where only the trails in the kettle moraine state forest opened and a couple weeks later the entire county opened so I thought this may be a similar case, I have never rode just the state trails in the Kettle Moraine since there is only so many circles within a state forest you can make before you get bored and decide to go home but I just thought I would start a thread on this topic for inquiring minds like myself who are getting the itch to ride
I understand what you are saying, Kettle Moraine people must have felt their trail was ok to open earlier. Just like here in Lincoln Co., the trail from Tomahawk toward Minoqua opened last w/e, and that was all that was legally open here until tomorrow noon. I hope all of Wi. snowmobile trails can open soon.


No need to attack a man for asking a question, we have state owned trails that cross over counties without crossing private property. I don't know the answer to your question but I can tell you our State Trail (old railroad grade) that in the past was open Dec.1st until March 31st even if the county closed. Now this year it opens and closes with the county.


Sledhead..It is a shame you get such an angry response like that from srt20...

I always thought JD was a place you could ask anything without being attacked by your fellow snowmobiler.



Active member
Sorry but seems like the general mindset in southern WI is you can run the trails if there is snow on the ground, regardless if the trails are open or not. Jefferson county (next to the OPs county) are closed right now because idiots are riding off trail, and while trails are closed they are still riding. If people would stay on the trail, and not ride when they arent supposed to, then maybe we could be riding right now.

Im sorry, but I dont see any logical common sense answer answer to the question. If the trails are closed, why would you possibly think that its ok to run state trails??

Oh and the comment" I want to have my ducks in a row in case I get stopped" to me means he will just be waiting for the trouble to come, because he is doing something that is questionable at best.
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New member
Sorry but seems like the general mindset in southern WI is you can run the trails if there is snow on the ground, regardless if the trails are open or not. Jefferson county (next to the OPs county) are closed right now because idiots are riding off trail, and while trails are closed they are still riding. If people would stay on the trail, and not ride when they arent supposed to, then maybe we could be riding right now.

Im sorry, but I dont see any logical common sense answer answer to the question. If the trails are closed, why would you possibly think that its ok to run state trails??

Oh and the comment" I want to have my ducks in a row in case I get stopped" to me means he will just be waiting for the trouble to come, because he is doing something that is questionable at best.

SRT, why don't you cut this guy some slack?

He obviously is not a slob sledder, becaue he is concerned enough to ask a question that is very legit. If the State says the trails never close, but the county closes COUNTY TRAILS, does that mean that if he stays to STATE TRAILS...he is NOT in violation of any laws? In otherwords, he choses to ride regardless of trail conditions, IF...IT IS ALLOWED, AND IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW.

This question is a fair one and one that NOBODY should be afraid to post on this board....for fear of being branded a fool.

I respect anyone who strives to find out before breaking rules or the law, and view it as a sign of respect and intelligence.


New member
Thank you for seeing that I am being treated like an idiot on here for asking a simple honest question... I have never been one to ride on poor snow conditions since it is more likely to ruin something on my sled than ruin property that is frozen already.. This year is very tempting to get out on a state trail LEGALLY where I WILL NOT break any laws or ruin my sled as I am trying to break in a new motor and I am less than 3 miles away from the Kettle Moraine State Forest so it would not be very difficult for me to get to that state trail if in fact it does not close when the county closes.. Now that I am seeing some reaction from others (other than SRT) and that some have seen this same situation of state trails being open before regular county and club trails I realize I am probably not the only one who has wondered the exact ruling behind this law but with no one really seeming to know 100% I am not going to risk getting a hefty fine.. If I was such a careless rider why would I be asking this question?? Wouldn't I be out right now riding on the trails that are already closed?? That is what I classify as a careless rider who ruins the privileges for everyone and I refuse to be that person!


State trails stay open incertain areas

We have 2 state trails that start in Barron county and are open reguardless of the county trails status. The Wild Rivers and Tosciba trails span several countys and can be riden if there is evough snow for your sled, your call.


I know that the DNR is slowly trying to bring organization to the chaos of who and what is open at least here in our area. So my advice is to check with your local groups.


Active member
I know we have gone over this several times in the past. I believe it is acceptable to ride on some State Trails regardless of county open/close. Also, some forest croplands and managed forest lands. I cannot find the statute right now but believe it did allow for some open areas.

In any event it is a valid question.

Might as well lump in ditch banging and lakes.


Active member
This confusion seems to come up year after year after year...

It seems to be unique to Wisconsin, sometimes it's as though each 40 acre chunk of land has it's own rules, with no apparent overall coordination and even less communication. Is there any wonder why there is such confusion?

Of course local conditions may indeed vary, necessitating different rules, but where is the communication?

And finally, to borrow a thought from my old college days:
"There is no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb answers!"


Well-known member
We have 2 state trails that start in Barron county and are open reguardless of the county trails status. The Wild Rivers and Tosciba trails span several countys and can be riden if there is evough snow for your sled, your call.

You can run your sled right down the Tuscobia in July if you want.