Street Outlaws


Active member
Chief painted the crow white. Looks like a show car, not a bada$$ race car. I do like the Judge stripes and judge look to the crow name. It was way more wicked looking flat black though.

Too bad all the REALITY is gone out of this show. New car on the list, Shane in s Vega. Who in their right mind would build on a Vega. But I suppose the Ford Nascar sports a fusion name tag.

No way a huge production like that could go on without getting busted if it was illegal, and not staged.

Liked the show 1st season, premise was good, shows too written now. What really sucks is I'll probably watch the next hour, and watch next week. Boy my life sucks.
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New member
My buddy was on an episode when they lost to the Nova from Chicago. It has to be set up to be safe. You didn't honestly think the TV show producers and executives would sanction something where in this day and age they would be sued. Their premise is to race on the street where the pavement is not as prepped as a track. At least that's what he told me. The Corvette was a complete joke, if they want to call it Street Outlaws they better keep the Pro Mod cars off the show.


Well-known member
The show rocks!! Anyone who thought/thinks it was about "illegal" racing is a fool. How many "streets" do you see with light towers and no traffic for hours?? Still an amazing display of horsepower!! Thought Chief would have more for that camaro but I think he put to HOT a tune in it. Did like the flat black better as well. Amazing show!! I dvr every episode if I cant be home to watch! Two thumbs up!! Who cares if a vega is on the list? Is it fast? Did it beat the previous #10? Farm truck and Azn are hilarious and love the crazy stuff they come up with!! That hurse was the best thing I had seen in years!! Maybe we should keep encourging shows like kard****ians or housewives or the like.... Any fellow horsepower nut would love a show like this!! I know I do!!


Active member
I agree that hearse episode was awesome LMAOROTF!!

The 1st season don't remember seeing the light towers like now. Seemed to be under streetlights, and seemed much more real. There are certainly roads that are deserted enough to pull off some racing, they used to do it here on Red Rock road. When the cops would bust them we would get called to tow cars that weren't liscenced, insured etc. Those cars were built but nothing like the ones on street outlaws.
Now certain angles looks like it may not even be real streets, may be at a track type setup, and running on like the access roads.
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