Stroke recovery and rehab.

The Apostate

New member
My mother suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage on the brain resulting in a stroke last Friday and is dealing with parralysis on her entire left side. She's been receiving incredible care at the Theda Clark medical center in Neenah, WI and is doing better by the day. This kind of stroke is caused by an artery bursting and bleeding on the brain, not a clot, since she is young, she'll be 62 in a few weeks, and she's otherwise in good health there are high expectations for a solid recovery. She does not drink, has never smoked, she eats right and walks with her dog regularly and she's a tough little lady. The physical therapists have begun working with her regaining some strength and mobility and they have started conversations with my father about what his options are for rehab. Our family lives largely in the McHenry Co. IL area and would like her to be closer to home for all of us. If anyone has experience with stroke vicitim rehab and would like to recomend a good facility we are all ears. She'll probably need a nursing home facility that can do the rehab as while her sisters are all retired the rest of us are still fulltime employed and their house is riddled with stairs and narrow hallways.


Active member
My wife says to look a facility up on line that is close to you, and you can go visit to make up your mind.
Sorry to hear about this.
Good luck to you and your mom.


New member
Not familiar with that area as far as nursing homes and rehab facilities but we will certainly keep her and your family in our prayers.

The Apostate

New member
Thanks for the kind words. We have a few in the area but if anybody has experienced something in the area it would be welcome insight.


Sorry to hear about your mom, I know what you are going through.

My mom had a series of strokes 2 years ago at the age of 56, like your mom she wasn't a smoker or a drinker and was otherwise healthy. I will spare the full details but she had 3 strokes the 2nd and 3rd occurred about 2 weeks after the 1st in quick succession and were progressively worse. Your mom's exact symptoms will dictate the best rehab choices for her. My mom was accepted into the program at RIC (Rehab Institute of Chicago) which is known world wide for their care of not only stroke patients but also other traumatic injuries. RIC offers both inpatient and outpatient therapy depending on the patients needs.

What we found was that the therapy offered at nursing home type places is typically not as good or as aggressive as what you can get in an outpatient setting or RIC. We also learned that the first few months after a stroke are the best times to recover, it is when the body is trying to make new connections in the brain and the the easiest time to re-learn so this is the time to get her into an aggressive program to give her a leg up in her recovery. I would suggest contacting RIC as well as NIMC (Norther Illinois Medical Center) and see what your options are.

If you would like to speak about this check your messages, I would be happy to share some of my experiences with you.


Well-known member
I don't have any words of guidance on this one, just words of encouragement. I hope all goes well. Hopefully you can find something close to home, if not, possibly as suggested previously, on an out-patient basis from home. I also agree, you don't want the nursing home rehab if at all possible. Not a very restful place. Best Wishes.-Mezz

The Apostate

New member
Again thanks for all the kind words and thanks to John Dee for hosting such a wonderful site the people on here never cease to amaze me.

Mom is doing better by the day. They ahve moved her to a regular room and we are making plans to bring her home. It looks like my father got her into NIMC which is great she'll probably be 25 minutes from home with a solid 75% of family in the area.


We're keeping you and your family in our prayers. Actually you are part of the family, the JD family!!

Best wishes
