Summer precip patterns vs winter precip patterns?


Active member
John, we are having a very, VERY wet summer and fall. Getting rain every 3rd day it seems. It comes by the bucket load. 3 inches one day 5 inches the next day 2 inches....ect... Record flooding just south of me. Luckily I live on the hill and it runs away but jeez... You should see the farmers trying to work. pulling trucks through the fields with two tractors. Choppers getting buried with 4wd.... mudslides rock slides... Terrible. NWS is saying we could see up to another 7 inches in spots by thursday night. Can a pattern like this keep up through winter? I am a big fan of snow don't get me wrong but I don't think we could survive if we were getting 2 feet every couple days...


Staff member
The type of weather that produces heavy rains such as several inches at a time does not typically occur when it is cold enough to snow. The warm and humid air of the summer holds a lot of water that can fall from a towering thunderstorm 6-8 miles high.

In the winter, thunderstorms are pretty rare, especially when it is cold enough to snow and any that do occur are very small and produce a flash or two of lightning and then move off before being able to dump much precip.



New member
FWIW - last summer/fall we had a lot of rain. Then winter came and ZIPPO. I can think of many years where this happened and vice versa. Personally I recall it being best when we have a dry'ish summer.