Summerize 2009 MXZ Adrenaline 800R


New member
In order to "Summerize" my sled, I wash, grease, and add stabilizer to the fuel. Does anyone have a complete list on what to do in order to winterize? Also, I know I should fog the engine, but where should I introduce the fogging oil into the engine? Straight into carbs, air intake or other? Anything else? Thanks


New member
Plug exhaust so no mousies,couple moth balls in the winshield bag and in the trunk, raise suspension to avoid sag, throw sheet or cover so not to damage in summer. I would look to the net there are a number of checklists to summerize and I'm sure everybody does it a little different. I'm still in snow dance mode, it never fails once I clean her up we get pounded.


New member
if you put stabilizer in fuel it is important to drain the carbs. if not the fuel evaporates and the stabil aid is left in carb bowl. i fog mine through carbs then remove plugs and spray into cyl. while turning over engine by hand. had my bowls off carbs to change jets this year and carbs looked great after 5yrs of this method.


Well-known member
I do have a 2008 skidoo 800. The only thing I do is put seafoam in the gas and run it 2 times a month. I have never had a problem they cleaned my carbs and said they they did not need cleaning.


New member
I agree with need to drain bowls, spray fog, shrink wrap, take off track, disassemble/repaint or any other over the top summerization......My $.02

My list of summerization to do:
- Sea Foam in tank and run 5-10 minuts to ensure it's in the carb. NO GOOD IF YOU DON'T GET TO CARBS!! (or buy an e-tech...but I will still seafoam it)
- Track off ground, best to get ALL WEIGHT off suspension if possible
- Lube ALL grease zirks, not just rear suspension. You'll be shocked how much moisture will get displaced! (that will make rust if you don't!!)
- Take belt off (otherwise you'll likely corrode (pitt) clutch sheeves at belt contact point)
- Spray all metal surfaces with WD40 (good wash first if you can...NO SPRAY ON CLUTCH!!)
- Blow out clutch with AIR ONLY...Have a good go at it, the dust will fly! Dust = friction.
- Put on cover to keep dust off


New member
The only thing worth adding here is, I run my track while jacked and hose all the snirt particles out. Seemed to be a lot this year due to the conditions we rode in.


New member
No need to get the sled off the ground! The sled wasn't designed to hold all of it's weight for extended periods of time on the front and or rear bumper! You won't create "suspension sag" by letting the sled sit in the normal position on the ground for the summer. If the springs can't handle it then how does it handle it while you are riding, and bottoming it out? That came from the old sleds back in the day. The reason they would prop up the rear of the sled is to keep the track from freezing to the ground during thaws and refreezes! Some how it was thought it would prevent suspension sag! A lot of sleds are designed with suspension sag. So good luck trying to prevent it!

Sea foam the gas and fog the engine. Spray in the carbs and let it kill the engine. Let it take about 10 seconds to kill the engine. Then spray in the spark plug holes and replace the plugs. About 3 seconds each.