Summerized Sleds!!


New member
Well its official for me, winter is over. I summerized the sleds yesterday so I guess I have to start the count down to next winter!! Sad day, but I am actually looking forward to spring to do some boating and other outdoor activities! Lets hope for a better winter next year, I know I am going out west for a full week next year!!!!


New member
I am for one ready to plant my garden and eat a real tomato not one in a grocery store and go hiking and camping and swimming Got to have spring and summer to have the farmers grow there crops to or we can't eat . Time goes so fast any more so winter will be here before we all know it . heck Christmas is almost 9 months from now lol better start your shopping lol THINK SNOW BUT SOON TIME FOR GRILL CHILL BEER!!!!!!!!!:D