Sun spots and general sun activity


Active member
John, do you put much stock into sun spot activity or general sun activity when forecasting? Had the guy that writes/forecasts for the star tribune say that it is old school tech. In my reading I disagree with him. Just like most of the other garbage in the star tribune but anyway... What are your thoughts?


Staff member
I don't have a problem with someone calling it "old school tech", but there has not been any conclusive evidence that sunspots play a significant role in our weather.



sorry JOHN but I disagree...since they launched SOHO TELESCOPE...all that has changed now

Weather on Earth can also be affected. According to Bob Berman, astronomer for The Old Farmer’s Almanac: NOAA scientists have now concluded that four factors determined global temperatures: carbon dioxide levels, volcanic eruptions, Pacific El Niño pattern, and the Sun’s activity.

Sunspots Do Really Affect Weather Patterns, Say Scientists


you guys wanna see something real cool that shows a coronal mass ejection hitting the earth and making an aurora borealis and burning a hole thru the atmosphere and essentially melting the shazz nazz outta some place on earth....all from space...this shows that it certainly does effect weather



Active member
A related topic: Sinkholes — a solar phenomenon?

"The sky is falling?" Not quite, but an interesting theory:
"The Electric Universe theory, or Plasma Cosmology, can account for this unprecedented phenomenon

Plasma cosmology sees the universe as a giant electric motor being driven by the exchange of charged particles

"Gravitational systems are the ashes of prior electrical systems" - Hannes Alfven

Which explains the mechanical and electromagnetic forces responsible for sinkhole formation

Sinkholes are usually explained away by ruptured underground water pipes or gradual soil erosion

Even in places where no such piping exists

While standard scientific theories may account for a few

They do not explain ones like these

Nor can it account for the vast number of new sinkholes forming around the globe

Here is a simple illustration of the electromagnetic and mechanical forces behind sinkhole formation

The activity of the sun is directly related to the rotational speed of the earth

The more energy that is produced by the sun, the faster the earth spins

Like an electric motor, there is an charged potential difference that drives our planet’s rotation

The sun is currently in a period similar to the Maunder Minimum, with very low solar activity

Low solar radiation means less positively charged protons reaching the upper atmosphere of the earth

The potential difference between the the positively charged upper atmosphere and the negatively charged earth decreases

Resulting a slowing down of the earth’s rotation

A slower spin causes the earth to become less oblong like an oval and more circular like a sphere

The induced mechanical stress causes deformations

Resulting in cracks, cavities and fissures

There is also a potential difference between the earth’s crust and the core

And because the upper atmosphere is now less positive

It also attracts less electrons from inside the earth to its surface

Thus decreasing the potential difference between the surface and the core

This potential difference acts as a binder of the planet, pulling the surface and the core together

When the potential difference drops, the earth’s crust becomes loose, creating pockets of space beneath the surface

The stress on the crust produced by these two combined mechanical and electrical forces results in an increase in earthquake activity

This loosening of the earth’s crust produces cracks and openings resulting in an increase of volcanic activity

And lastly, the subterranean space created by the loosening results in the increased formation of sinkholes

Sinkholes are not not an isolated phenomenon

They are also related to earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, strange sounds and extreme weather

This is only the beginning

For more information...
Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection"
See the video: (click →) "Sinkholes The Groundbreaking Truth" (YouTube video, 13 min. +9 sec.)
Yes, a bit long, but spellbinding, you may not be able to stop watching it!
Scroll down past the video. click on the SEE MORE link, read the accompanying narrative, and perhaps the comments as well.

What do you think? Is this Plasma Cosmology? or "Voodoo Cosmology", as George H. W. Bush might say? Or what?


Active member
A related topic: Sinkholes — a solar phenomenon?

See also:

  1. CBS5 (KPHO) Aug 23, 2016 9:20 AM:
    (click →) "Crews repairing giant sinkhole at W. Phoenix intersection".
  2. Jun 23, 2016 2:19 PM:
    (click →) "Sinkhole closes EB Ocotillo Rd. between Arizona Ave. & McQueen".
  3. The Arizona Republic | 7:54 a.m. MST February 25, 2016:
    (click →) "Sinkhole affecting Greenfield Road traffic in Gilbert".
  4. KTAR News March 7, 2013 @ 5:00 am:
    (click →) "Active, non-threatening sinkholes exist around Arizona".
  5. Arizona Geology, Winter 2009:


FR NASH...unfortunately that was 50 years ago in the 60' dig...not trying to demean you in any way but as I stated...since SOHO TELESCOPE was launched all that you been taught is incorrect....heres from wiki on plasma cosmetology...what happens with all that now is the crust moves closer to the core..causing sink holes and global warming in some spots....and can melt the ice poles and raise the water level....they now know in that idea are actually 3 separate events instead of the one...theres the sun spots effecting the earths rotation and weather....theres the core and the crust heating things up from below....and theres an ELECTRIC POLE SHIFT also going on

PS....a lot of things you thought were right are now incorrect...and I mean many things...starting at atoms.

As of 2016, the vast majority of researchers openly reject plasma cosmology because it does not match modern observations of astrophysical phenomena or accepted cosmological theory.

- - - Updated - - -

heres 20 years in 5 minutes



Active member
FR NASH...unfortunately that was 50 years ago in the 60's [sic] dig...not trying to demean you in any way …but as I stated...since SOHO TELESCOPE was launched all that you been taught is incorrect....heres [sic] from wiki on plasma cosmetology...what happens with all that now is the crust moves closer to the core..causing sink holes and global warming in some spots....and can melt the ice poles and raise the water level....they now know in that idea are actually 3 separate events instead of the one...theres [sic] the sun spots effecting [sic] the earths [sic] rotation and weather....theres [sic] the core and the crust heating things up from below....and theres [sic] an ELECTRIC POLE SHIFT also going on

PS....a lot of things you thought were right are now incorrect...and I mean many things...starting at atoms.

As of 2016, the vast majority of researchers openly reject plasma cosmology because it does not match modern observations of astrophysical phenomena or accepted cosmological theory.

"… not trying to demean you in any way …":
No problem: I didn't say I buy that theory, I'm just trying to stir up some discussion.
(Apparently I succeeded. :cool:)

There do seem to be increasing numbers of sinkholes occurring all over the planet lately, whatever the cause. Given that, I can't help but wonder if we'll see the Yellowstone Caldera blow it's lid in our lifetime. That'll be a doozy!

P. S.:
Isn't a "MAGNETIC pole shift?", or perhaps more precisely "geomagnetic reversal"?'

(Oh wicked me, stealing your writing style too, tho' I usually write in actual sentences.
That and these as well: "60s", "here's", "there's".
(Gee, I am in an ornery mood today. :p)


ok...heres the new flips every 750,000 years like clock work...we are at 749,900...the problem is carbon dating has a 100 to 10,000 year tolerance...with a smaller flip at 100,000...we are due real soon that's why the global warming SEEMS like its happening from space...but its coming from below and the core and the sun spots drive the solar wind that turns the earth faster..heres a short film and then a full one of the same thing..ENJOY


the PAULDING LIGHTS are due to this same effect....its the million volt particles lighting up the laylines of the magnetosphere from a CME...and weather it drives....and we are just beginning to understand it all....and it will be different than the past

this one shows the layines from space...from 2 mins in to 2:40 shows the particles streaming in to the paulding line...I know...its hard to believe but there it is....POV from space