Sunday January 30th Trail 12 Through Ontonagon


New member
We rode today from Ironwood, MI to Greenland to Ontonagon to White Pine back to Ironwood. Trail 12 from Greenland through Ontonagon all the way to White Pine was terrible, very rough! We hear all the time about the businesses hurting around Ontonagon, with trail conditions the way they were today in that area it is no wonder people stay away. What's up with Pat's Pit Stop in Greenland? No food on Sundays, what is that all about? Unless you want a frozen pizza, that is all they have on Sundays. Kudos to the Gogebic Range Trail Groomers all trails groomed by them were perfect today!


Well-known member
Todd, listen no one is perfect here. Ontonagon grooms the trails from ontonagon to Greenland so maybe give the chamber of commerce a call. As for the pit stop goes it's not Pat's Pit Stop. It's the Greenland Pit Stop and my wife and I own it. We don't cook on Sundays because they are typically slower and there's too much cost involved when we aren't busy so we cook Monday thru Saturday. Sorry for any inconvenience to you but sometimes we just can't make everyone happy and it is what it is. These are minor issues in life and sometimes we need to be reminded of that. Losing a family member or a good friend is a serious issue. I don't mean to complain about any sledders, we appreciate all of you but no one can satisfy everyone. If you aren't happy with a frozen pizza then please go to the next establishment and quit the whining. However, if your sled breaks down we are open 7 days a week at Pat's Yamaha to help you with any brand of sled which is not common. We work very hard at all our businesses and we would give our shirt off of our back to any sledder in need. Please, next time you have a real issue give us a call and it will get our utmost attention but please don't complain about a frozen pizza or a bumpy trail. It really is a very minor issue in what we call life. My sincere apologies. Kip McIntyre

Pat's Yamaha
Greenland Pit Stop.


New member
Frozen pizza?????

Kip I'm glad someone is open. I understand the sacrafice and financial decisions one makes in keeping a buisness open. I can only assume that you have service set that way for a reason. I'd like the BP in BX to be 24 hrs but thats just not the case anymore.

As far as taking your shirt off your back................thats an understatement!!! When I've seen you and your employees leave the store at night you guys looked naked. LOL....LOL...LOL..

Keep up the good work!!!! We appreciate it!!


Well-known member
Hangman, thank you very much for the support. It's appreciated everytime! Thanks, Kip


Well-known member
What is the big deal?.....routine to me. When we roll in a bar/grill up front I ask if the grill is cooking if they say "No" we say "See Ya next time". Easy transition for everyone no stress no bother.....just roll with it & move on to next place. Bumpy trail wait an hour next crew thru will be saying what great trails the grooming was excellent! All about timing & take good with bad all part of a days ride anywhere in snowbelt. As far as Pat's sled service they are the best & will get you back riding as fast as possible.:)


New member

Todd, listen no one is perfect here. Ontonagon grooms the trails from ontonagon to Greenland so maybe give the chamber of commerce a call. As for the pit stop goes it's not Pat's Pit Stop. It's the Greenland Pit Stop and my wife and I own it. We don't cook on Sundays because they are typically slower and there's too much cost involved when we aren't busy so we cook Monday thru Saturday. Sorry for any inconvenience to you but sometimes we just can't make everyone happy and it is what it is. These are minor issues in life and sometimes we need to be reminded of that. Losing a family member or a good friend is a serious issue. I don't mean to complain about any sledders, we appreciate all of you but no one can satisfy everyone. If you aren't happy with a frozen pizza then please go to the next establishment and quit the whining. However, if your sled breaks down we are open 7 days a week at Pat's Yamaha to help you with any brand of sled which is not common. We work very hard at all our businesses and we would give our shirt off of our back to any sledder in need. Please, next time you have a real issue give us a call and it will get our utmost attention but please don't complain about a frozen pizza or a bumpy trail. It really is a very minor issue in what we call life. My sincere apologies. Kip McIntyre

Pat's Yamaha
Greenland Pit Stop.

KIP, 2 weeks ago i was ridiin alone at 6:30 at nite. stopped just below your sign to tell people i was runnin late but ok,,, you had just closed and was checkin on your car or something and turned to me and started walkin and called "Is everything ok or do you need some help?" And that is why people have aligence to your shop and to the great folks of the ---U/P....MEATHEAD
I agree

What is toddp doing here, isn't this area for posting a message looking for others to ride with. don't think anyone wants to ride with him, with that attitude. Let's enjoy the UP. Life is good.


New member
I think Todd had such great trails his whole trip that he forgot that they sometimes get bumpy. Have hime ride a day in the 70,s, that would be an eye opener for most peaple. LOL


New member
I think Todd had such great trails his whole trip that he forgot that they sometimes get bumpy. Have hime ride a day in the 70,s, that would be an eye opener for most peaple. LOL


I have been riding a snowmobile since 1967 and you are correct the trail from Greenland through Ontonagon to White Pine was definitely a reminder of what it was like riding in the 70's.


This is no reflection on singling out Pat's Yamaha other than to say it is an outstanding dealership and I have purchased sleds, trailers and many parts from Pat's and the service and customer friendly approach is a benchmark that many dealers can't even come close to. My point on the bar is it was always reliable and I have many times recommended it a great place to eat. My point here is that when an area such as Ontonagon is in such dire straights economically, the best way they can help themselves is to go way above and beyond to make sure those snowmobiliers that are still able to make it up there financially have the best experience possible and pass to word. There are fewer and fewer snowmobilers that can still afford the sport so it comes down to competition for what areas do their best.


we stopped at ther Greenland Pit Stop on Super bowl Sunday a few years back and kitchen had just closed. They fed us anyway. Everyone at Pat's Yamaha is always very friendly and willing to help fix any sled. Their service is great and the people are wonderful. Eveyone is always smiles and welcoming to the sledders (even the dog greets us too). we purposely stop at Pat's for gas because they are there for the sledder. They are willing to give you honest feedback and advice. Look forward to seeing you this weekend and next week.

I was looking for riding partners not a bitch session!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Todd, point taken. My intentions are never to offend anyone. I understand where you are coming from but I guess we can only do so much and I know what it's like when you're expecting something and it's not there. I am sorry for that. Have fun sledding this winter!! Kip

Too bad Todd is not happy with the UP. It is the most friendly and helpfull
place I have ever been riding sleds. Hats off to all you great business owners and folks up there. I see he is from Minnesota, maybe that would be a better place for him to ride. For ME, it's get up to the UP whenever I can. And another note, I have stayed all over the UP in motels and cabins, ect., have never had a bad experience. Thanks everyone up there!


New member
Too bad Todd is not happy with the UP. It is the most friendly and helpfull
place I have ever been riding sleds. Hats off to all you great business owners and folks up there. I see he is from Minnesota, maybe that would be a better place for him to ride. For ME, it's get up to the UP whenever I can. And another note, I have stayed all over the UP in motels and cabins, ect., have never had a bad experience. Thanks everyone up there!

You my friend are reading way too much into this, my point being that there are those of us that have a lot invested in this sport. I am not an occasional rider of the UP, I happen to be from the UP and am very proud of it. So much so that I maintain a second home in Ironwood so I am very dedicated to the UP. My sleds (3 newer high end sleds) stay in Michigan and all are registered in Michigan and all 3 have WI and MI trail permits. So you are very much out of line stating that I am not happy with the UP.

My message here to the Ontonagon area is a wake up call, if you want a piece of the shrinking snowmobiliers $'s you need to offer top of the heap great trails as are found in most areas of the UP and not become comeplacent with being a top rated snowmobile destination one year but reach for that distinction every year!


New member
Todd, point taken. My intentions are never to offend anyone. I understand where you are coming from but I guess we can only do so much and I know what it's like when you're expecting something and it's not there. I am sorry for that. Have fun sledding this winter!! Kip

Thanks Kip, I also had no intentions of offending anyone I was giving a ride update on a ride board.
this ride board

OK, just ONE more thing TODDP, here's the board you posted this on:

Ride Board : This is an area where you can post a message looking for others to ride with

Please next time post in some other area, so us looking for people to ride with, can enjoy looking at this Ride Board that JohnDee provides for us.I am sure that is the intention here, without the rants and raves.


New member
OK, just ONE more thing TODDP, here's the board you posted this on:

Ride Board : This is an area where you can post a message looking for others to ride with

Please next time post in some other area, so us looking for people to ride with, can enjoy looking at this Ride Board that JohnDee provides for us.I am sure that is the intention here, without the rants and raves.

Thank you for being the JohnDee Message Board Police!