Suns low uv activity affecting our winter


Hey John, I dont know if this is a question you can answer or not, but I read an article about the sun is at a low uv and radiation dispersement stage and thats what affecting Europe and us. The article was talking about peaks valleys the sun goes through with sunspotting and solar flares. They were mentioning that Europe is not getting the warmer southwestly flow of of air it normally it gets, buy more of a northeasterly flow like a Siberian block which is further pushing the warm jet south and causing a us to have a more west to east jetstream versuses the normal dips we get with large low pressure systems. Can you elorabate further or did I just totally screw the pouch on trying to explain something that I have business reading about?!
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Staff member
It does not really make any sense as to why a drop in UV activity would cause what is happening in the weather. That is not to say it could not be true, but this is the first I have ever heard of it.

There are researchers that will put a spin to anything, in hopes of some more grant money and I would be willing to bet that this is just another one of those witch hunts.



It's seemed pretty convincing with lower uv hitting the stratosphere and toposhphere thus creating a lower velocity in the northern polar jet to give way to differing path of the jet to let the Siberian block to exist over Europe. Sounds like a pretty good spin to me! Heck, if I didn't have you to bounce this off of, I probably would've donated to their research. Then there was a bunch of stuff about magnetic fields, won't even touch that!

More pork barrel stuff!