Super excited!


Well-known member
Ya its all well and good but I got 30 miles of trails to sign with STUPID FIBERGLASS STAKES!! A foot of frost will make that alot of fun...


Well-known member
Ya its all well and good but I got 30 miles of trails to sign with STUPID FIBERGLASS STAKES!! A foot of frost will make that alot of fun...

I made myself a spike you can jump on, or pound with a crow bar, I'll get a pic for ya - works awesome, and easy to make. Ground was frozen here last weekend already also - 1-2" in most places.


Active member
That would be great to post a pic!
We start marking majority of our trails on Monday. We've used a generator running a drill in past.
We use steel posts, so those drive in easier. Shoulder doesn't appreciate it though!


Well-known member
Ya pics please!! I was gonna make a plate that fit over the top of the post so I atleast had something to hit. Last year I did drill holes with my battery drill. xcr440 I can't believe you only had an inch or two of frost. Farmers down here talking about a foot deep already.


Well-known member
Like I said, nothing special, just functional.

You can see the spike is about the size of the fiberglass post, and the crowbar in the pipe is used like a fence post driver inside the pipe, if I don't feel like jumping.

I doubt this would work on a foot of frost, but for a couple inches, it works great. Even when there is no frost, no more pounding on the sign stakes.
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