Just returned from the monthly meeting, just wanted to pass this info on to all. This year we had 27 volunteer operators,the top 11 drivers talled up this many miles. Dave Sleeman 1283, Mike Sabo 982,Jack Swift 970, Richard Krupp 870, Alvin Kaurala 644, Karl Johnson 568, Art Krattiger 546, Brad Sturdevant 560, Tom Erwin 486, Paul Huotari 468, and Dave Hansen 466. The over all total of miles groomed was 13,124 2,000 to 3,000 short of our average. 2082 hours total grooming, 1015.5 hours brushing/signing, 549.5 hours done on maintance, $26,101.00 in fuel was spent. We would like to THANK YOU ALL who enjoyed our trails, we will be trying harder next year, to those of you that did not enjoy the heavy traffic times.We made it through 2 transmission breakdowns, a few flat tires, a lower then average snow fall year. Let's look forward to 300 plus inches for the 2011- 2012 season,which will make it much easier to maintain smoother trails, also thanks for purchasing your trail permits in our area,we appreciate your visits.