Surplus Outlet Fire


Sad news to report this morning...Surplus Outlet in Houghton is currently having a major fire...Let's hope and pray all upper floor tenants got out o.k.. They are right near the lift bridge and sell a ton of outdoor clothing.. I enjoy shopping there for the whole family.

Let's keep them in our thougths and prayers.



New member
We will keep them in our thoughts and prayers, hopefully everyone got out ok and the fire deparment kept their crew safe.



Active member
… Surplus Outlet in Houghton is currently having a major fire …
Wow, and the Surplus Outlet has been there for a while too, way back to my college days!
Also reminds me of a few major winter fires in the 1950's/early 1960s in Houghton & Hancock, wiped out nearly a city block on several occasions. Like the ol' Kerridge theater, on May 29, 1959, for one.

Click → Kerridge Theater (before).
Click Kerridge Theater (after).

We will keep them in our thoughts and prayers, hopefully everyone got out ok and the fire deparment kept their crew safe.
Ditto that!


New member
Such a shame....I know the owners personally, my thoughts and prayers go out to them today, as far as I know no one was injured.



Do you know where the theater was, I'm wondering if it was where the Gazette (local paper) building is now???



Super Moderator
Staff member
That really sucks to hear. My first visit ever to Houghton sledding we had to make a visit to the surplus store, needed some swim suits for the pool and hot tub across the street. I have bought a few things from there over the years. Hope they can rebuild.


Active member
Do you know where the theater was, I'm wondering if it was where the Gazette (local paper) building is now???
Yep, I sure do. It was quite a neat old theater, not quite as opulent as the Calumet Theater, but very much the same vintage. It was a shame such a vintage building was lost!
Take a look at the before picture in my earlier post. The Kerridge Theater is the one with the semi-circular exterior balcony, and the building to the left is the old Hotel Scott (aka Scott Hotel), which is still standing, right on the northeast corner of East Quincy and Reservation Streets in Hancock.