Taking out FISH HOOKS


New member
My dad got a huge Mepps lure stuck in his lip, don't ask how, he pulled it out with plyers, I nearly fainted watching, we have a pic somewhere, I should find it and post. Watching the video I almost fainted!


Active member
lmao..Are you good, Yep, I'm good (in a I'm about to cry voice, lol. That must have hurt like mad and Makers Mark sucks, will never touch and hope to never smell that crap again.


Well-known member
Brilliant! Your suppose to push the barb through then cut the hook, a lot less damaging & a lot less painful. Must have had an HMO! I know, "your not cutting the hook, that's my favorite lure, yank it out"!


Active member
Some years ago I was pike fishing a little lake north of Seney and managed to get a hook in my hand. It was straight in the large fleshy part of the palm below my thumb and after an hour of trying to get it out (poking it through my hand didnt seem like an option)I opted for the urgent care in Newberry. The funny part was the doctor that came in to work on me. He was wearing boondockers, Levis, a flannel shirt, and had a leather tool belt around his waist like Tim the tool man taylor would wear loaded with doctor stuff. He said he had one rule about removing lures and that was he got to keep them. Only in the u.p. Eh!


New member
I was flyfishing a creek about 15 years ago, (didn't really know what I was doing)whipping that fly rod like a fly swatter. I was looking at where I wanted the fly to go and it wasn't there, then I felt the sting from that tiny hook in the top of my ear. Thing went right through the top part of my ear, it came out kind of easy cuz it was a small hook so the barb wasn't very big but it still sucked


New member
Not so easy to just push hook thru,even a little one. especially if its close to nerves.best let a doc do it!! from experience.lol


New member
Fishing in Canada with my dad, I had caught a small northern. I picked it up w/o a net of course and swung it to my dad who caught it. Holding it at the gills (not in the gills) the fish gave a little shake and a treble hook had hooked my dad in 2 fingers right next to each other (pointer and middle) on the underside with 2 seperate hooks. He dropped the fish which made it wiggle more while still attached to his hand. He started yelling at me to kill it ..... kill it......

I was 12 and could not for the life of me think of how to kill this northern who was stuck to my dads hand. I ended up using the oar and smashing it a few times. We cut the hooks in the boat and he pushed them through himself. He screamed like a baby and he is one normally pretty tough.

Lesson of the day was wear large leather gloves when handling northerns.....


Well-known member
Many areas in Canada either require or strongly encourage barbless hooks. I've been a little hesitant to pinch them down because I'd hate to lose the big one. All these stories make me start to reconsider...(plus it's better for the fish).


New member
in canada i'm camp surgeon,removed a few of them.yanked a couple pushed most through cut off the barb and removed.it's a case by case senario.fly in fishing,either get it out or where the hook for the week


New member
Ubee, that October 8 picture is a framer!

We always squeeze the barbs on the hooks down. Not only does it make taking the hooks out of a big old snaggle tooth monster easier, and quicker, but should the unthinkable happen, you can back the hook out much easier.

If you keep the line tight on any fish, you don't need barbs at all. We don't loose many fish that throw the hooks. Some do sissor the line occasionally, but that's what makes it fun...talking about the one that got away! They get bigger every year....or at least the talk does.

(I don't know about you, but the last photo above really makes me cringe....that's got to hurt some)


New member
Nasty pic. See, this is why I dont fish, too dangerous. You should also stay away from hunting guns, could shoot finger off too.