Talk to me about 120cc snowmobiles...


Beginning to get the itch to get my little guy a snowmobile and would like to hear from those that have / do own these. Thinking of bypassing the kitty kat stage, assuming I can govern a 120 down enough. My son will be 3 in Jan, is a strong little guy and a very good driver, he has a battery powered ATV and Gator that he does very well with. He has sat on the 120's and appears to be capable of operating the sled. My biggest questions come down to how adjustable is the governor on these, is the 3-4 year old range too young and what do I need to look for in these?




Definately go with a 120 over a Kitty Kat, unless you just want to run it on the grass in summer.

Should be an adjustment or throttle stop to restrict the top speed.

Back in 1995 I got my then 4 year son a brand new Kitty Cat. At the time I figured this was something I was doing for him. Retrospectively, it was really me doing something vicariously through him. He loved the idea of being the only kid on the block with such a cool toy. The really funny thing is that at first he was deathly afraid of the thing. The minute I'd start the thing up he'd start to cry. After an enormous amount of re-assurance I finally got him to take it out for a spin. Of course I immediately assumed he was ready to race, so with about a grand total of one hour of saddle time he was entered into his first Kitty Cat race. He raced the Kitty Cat for about 3 season. I then got him 2 120's to race mostly because by now he was to cool to be seen racing something as meager as a Kitty Cat. His racing career ended at the ripe out age of 9. 5 seasons was enough for him. His reason for quitting was based upon sound reasoning that was impossible to argue. He felt that his racing career was severely compromising his old man's riding opportunities and that he thought it would be way more fun to ride with the old man than to buzz around the track with his buddies. How can you argue with that?
Beginning to get the itch to get my little guy a snowmobile and would like to hear from those that have / do own these. Thinking of bypassing the kitty kat stage, assuming I can govern a 120 down enough. My son will be 3 in Jan, is a strong little guy and a very good driver, he has a battery powered ATV and Gator that he does very well with. He has sat on the 120's and appears to be capable of operating the sled. My biggest questions come down to how adjustable is the governor on these, is the 3-4 year old range too young and what do I need to look for in these?


Sorry, I got a little self absorbed in my last two post. To answer you question about the governor. You can only disable it. I believe most stock kids machines are regulated to operate at less than 5 mph or something close to that. If you want it to go slower just wrap a tape wad on the trigger side handle bar to a thickness that suits you taste. The abilities of a 3 or 4 year vary, only a parent is going to be able to make this judgment call. I've seen a lot of kids start out this way and in most cases the parents under estimate their kids abilities. Not that you should throw caution into the wind but I don't necessarily think you need to get to wound up if the kid bounces of the garage or the occasional tree while he's mastering his side hilling technique.


New member
Beginning to get the itch to get my little guy a snowmobile and would like to hear from those that have / do own these. Thinking of bypassing the kitty kat stage, assuming I can govern a 120 down enough. My son will be 3 in Jan, is a strong little guy and a very good driver, he has a battery powered ATV and Gator that he does very well with. He has sat on the 120's and appears to be capable of operating the sled. My biggest questions come down to how adjustable is the governor on these, is the 3-4 year old range too young and what do I need to look for in these?


I love to start them out on a Kitty Cat. My oldest had two years on a Kitty Cat (18months and 2.5yrs old) and then went to a 120. He upgraded to a 380 summit last year at 8 years old. I think my little one is on the same path. He is already climbing all over a running Kitty Cat and wants to hit the throttle. To answer your question. There are several ways to adjust the power and speed of the 120's. Gearing is common. Loosening the governor and gov spring will make the motor less powerful. Limiting the throttle pull is also a good way and usually can be adjusted trail side quite easily. I found that the best way to teach them is get them out on a remote corner of the lake and make them ride along side or behind you until they understand partial throttle. This way you can ride along side and corral them if needed. It is a hoot! We now have 3 Kitty Cats, 3 120's , a 250, and a 380 Ski Doo buzzing around the bay and trails in the woods. No accidents yet!!!
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Well-known member
We started our kids on a 120 when my daughter was 4 and son was 2.5. They did fine. Luckily we had a big enough area they could ride it without fear of running into things. My son is now 8 and can handle my 600RMK quite well. I would like to gte them a 440-500 size machine but we really have no place they can legally ride it.


If your looking to go used I'd buy whatever you can find as it can be tough find a used one! If new Arctic Cat is the only one left building a 120.



New member
correction chad, Polaris is still building the 120 also.
we been starting the kids around 3 yrs. old on them, and they do just fine with them, very easy to regulate the throttle on them.
Wally @ Cloverland


New member
I would go with the 120, you will get more use out of that than having to buy a kitty kat then a 120. My daughter started at 4, a little nerve racking at first but she picked it up right away. They go slow enough stock where you can keep up with it if you have to run next to it for the first few rides. Good luck and have fun.


New member
Sorry, I got a little self absorbed in my last two post. To answer you question about the governor. You can only disable it. I believe most stock kids machines are regulated to operate at less than 5 mph or something close to that. If you want it to go slower just wrap a tape wad on the trigger side handle bar to a thickness that suits you taste. The abilities of a 3 or 4 year vary, only a parent is going to be able to make this judgment call. I've seen a lot of kids start out this way and in most cases the parents under estimate their kids abilities. Not that you should throw caution into the wind but I don't necessarily think you need to get to wound up if the kid bounces of the garage or the occasional tree while he's mastering his side hilling technique.

My kids bounced off a lot of things, dented the car door, flipped it over on themselves, then I made it faster, they ran into the swingset leg, bent it ect... It is all apart of learning respect for the machine. I had to make it trail ridable, it could go 25-30 , pull their friends on saucers ect... what a hoot. Spent tons of cash on those 2 120's I had. I did alot of screaming in those days, only neighbor screaming at his kids OUTSIDE in the middle of winter ( LOL ).


New member
We started our kids on a 120 when my daughter was 4 and son was 2.5. They did fine. Luckily we had a big enough area they could ride it without fear of running into things. My son is now 8 and can handle my 600RMK quite well. I would like to gte them a 440-500 size machine but we really have no place they can legally ride it.

Well he looks 12 to me !


New member
Skip the Kitty Cat and go right to the 120. I went down the Kitty Cat road and let me tell you we were constantly lifting it back onto a trail we'd made. They simply have no travel and are easily stuck. The 120 will last you for many years. I've owned all 3 brands and will say that the Cat is the most comfortable, the Skidoo the fastest and the polaris looked the coolest. You really can't go wrong with any of the 120's. Have fun!


New member
Go with the 120!! I got one for my boy when he was 4. There is a throttle limit screw on the carb of the AC 120. I took it out and put a longer one in for the first winter. Kept the top speed to about 3 mph.
Now he is 8 and my daughter is 6 and they both love riding the 120. With the stock screw in and the governor disabled the machine runs right about 13 mph.
Again its all about safety and respect of the machine and you making sure he understands how to operate the sled. My kids wont even ask to ride without having their helmet in hand and ready. I've got a 400 x 200 area cleared of trees for them to ride in the yard and they love it.
The 120 will also go thru snow. With the kitty cat you will have to snow blow or plow a area in the snow for it to actually move.

5 year old daughter this past winter...
