Testing your memory


New member
Ok John, several years ago, maybe 2004 me and several friends made our first trip to MI. All I was told was that we were getting a guide and his buddy had a web site up their (little did we know then) Now, our two groups met and spent the day sledding and having a great time. I believe you were the responsible one and left the party early ( a good call as it would turn out) So we had several cocktails maybe even three that day, I flipped my sled trying not to take out the guide who stopped on a hill. Later that night or early morning his sled completly burned down. I believe it was a polaris triple something or other. So,
a. Does this sound some what familiar?
b. Does your buddy still do the guide thing?
c. Do you two still get out as much as you had before?
Regardless, we had a great time and have been back several times since.
Keep up the great work we all love the site.


Staff member
I don't really remember any buddies sled burning up after a tour and none of them had a Polaris triple.

My buddies still run a guide service: http://www.johndee.com/kse/Default.htm

So far this year I have not gotten out much because I am still recovering from surgery, but hope that as the winter goes on I will be getting out more.
