Thank you and continued best wishes John!


New member

I just wanted to say "thanks" for having the courage to share your story (I just completed todays journal). I sincerely wish you a continued speedy recovery and hope that you begin to feel better very soon.

My wife and I learned about 4 yrs ago that our son, now 16, was born with a congenital heart defect, a bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation. Today he is fairly healthy and wouldn't know just by looking at him that anything is wrong. But the doctors have all warned that his day too will come when a replacement will be necessary. He is fully aware of his circumstances and handles it in stride, but has had his ups and downs. He used to love football and played until his diagnosis 4 years ago. After that, his cardiologist said no more. Other adjustments have been made to his lifestyle as well that typical 16 year old boys enjoy, but again, he's accepted it.

However, my wife and I privately fear when his day will come. Of course the longer he can delay the more that technology and medical advances are on his side. I know that surgeries like this are a much more common place than they were a decade or two ago, but when its you or a loved one going in for "heart surgery" you can't help but worry.

Thanks again John and Happy Holidays to you, Nora, Gracie and the hounds!



New member
Yaa thanks John for coming clean with us.Was puzzled with what was going on with yaa.Glad too see yaa got into Mayo for ur tuneup if they can't fix yaa there don't know where I would go.They did a fantastic job on both my parents and my youngest.Good luck on ur recovery and God bless you and ur young family.
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Well-known member
Thanks for sharing your story John. I think we were all pretty worried when you started missing journals and new it must be pretty serious. Funny how you can worry about someone you never met huh? But after reading your journals does feel like you have a friend you never met.

Hope you take it easy next few weeks and get better so you don't miss the riding season. I can't imagine breathing that cold air would be good for you right now, maybe some JD'ers close to you come by and plow you out while you recover. I would be more than happy to start breaking in the M8 for you until you recover, it's the least I could do. lol

Have a merry Christmas,
Get well soon john

God bless you john ,and your courage for letting us all know.. I know where your coming from and how your feeling first hand as i too have had the surgey you went through, But for me it was back in "94" and mine were defective at birth and as hard as it was and how long i felt bad ,Im glad to say you will feel better in time. My father this past spring went in for a stress test and had a heart attack during the test and had triple bypass the next day at 83 yrs old and im glad to say hes feeling like hes 16 again. Its amaizing how far the medical field has come along and how far they will advance in coming years
So to wrap this up ,may god bless you John, Nora ,Gracie and the pups and to all the john dee family on here, may the holidays bless you all and may the new year bring everyone the happiness and joy we all deserve

jeff & darlene


New member

Thanks for sharing with us and thank God all is okay and you are on the road to recovery! You are truly blessed.

Take Care - get well and God Bless!




John, may you have a speedy recovery. Don't over do it no matter how good you feel! It WILL take an extended time to heal properly and to feel normal again. Trust me.

Merry Xmas to you, Nora, Grace, and the pups!

Take care,

Harski and family.


John thank you for sharing the story you have had. I understand that it is a very personal subject but as a person that has a daughter that has dealt with cancer related issues for the past 7 years. (The 13th is our anniversary date if you can call it that). The fact you have done so well is very encouraging for us. Thank you for the GREAT sight and the HOPE that you have given our family on the possibility of af "normal" life after we deal with all of the childhood cancer issues in our life. Anyone that reads this post please consider registering as a bone marrow donor as it is what saved our daughters life. Thank you again.
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JOHN, Thanks for sharing the personal info with us.
hope you feel better soon. your hard work on this site is much appreciated.

have a great holiday and happy new year
