Thank you John Dee!!!!!!!


New member
Delivering the first favorable forecast in a loooonnnngggggg time. It's a Festivus Miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with not much time to spare as our trip is next Wednesday. You da' man!! Now we just need it to come to fruition.

Happy New Years to all!!


Deleted member 10829

I sure hope it happens too! It's not too often the forecast changes that much 2 days out. You just never know what Mother Nature will do, but I'm confident she's going to drop some snow finally! If we can keep the thaws away, we may be ok yet. Remeber last year, you could hardly ride trails in the UP after the beginning of Februrary. Those thaws last year were a killer.

Let it snow!!


New member
O man i know i thought i would see "The forcast is unchanged" but no my eyes popped out....i was like awesome! I hope to finally have my web cam up by then.


Well-known member
Best weather news we've had in a long time....thanks, John......I might just have to go fire up the sleds and sniff 2-stroke exhaust in celebration!


New member
In NorthEastern Ashland County this morning, 1 out of every 4 vehicles headed East on USH2 has a trailer with sleds so hopefully the warm temps stay away and the snow actually happens. Everybody have a safe and fun weekend in the yoop!


Well-known member
@ slimcake, this will be my first time there. I have a cabin in hayward so i have always ridden there for the last 10 years so i am really looking forward to a new spot. We are staying at the Lake Gogebic lodge, heard good things about it. Any recommendations for trails to ride or places to eat/see?


Well-known member
Durphee, I frequent the U.P. but this year the gloves are off. Who knows what we will be in for as far as conditions go. I am nervous about the crowds this weekend and what kind of shape the trails will be in on monday.... The lodge is a bit dated but good food and drink. We are staying on the other side of the lake though this time. If the trails will hold a trip to copper harbor is a must. Otherwise just ask the locals what to see and do. I haven't even run the premix tank through my new sled so for me its going to be all about putting miles on!!


Even if I get a light coating on the ground I will be happy. I am tired of looking at bare grass and no snow... thank you for the encouraging words, even if that is all they turn out to be.

Deleted member 10829

Yesterday I was right in the middle of 4-8" and it extended down to the Cities. Today it runs from Duluth north! Not what I wanted to see. :( Maybe it will make another change before it hits.


New member
I'm UP Bound next Tuesday!! I'm thinking Alger county to Luce will be in good shape. Apparently there is 9 inches in Grand Marais now, before the 2-3 days of LES fest kicks in!