Thanks John


New member

I live south of Mpls/St. Paul and have heard nothing but the local television meteorologists building up this storm. I realize that tracks change, but they had been talking about the punch this storm would have on the metro area since Sat. They were still talking 4-8” south of the cities as most recent as yesterday morning. Now I would be surprised to see 2” by the end of tomorrow.

I remember looking at your forecast graphic yesterday and you already had it nailed. It’s nice to be able to come to your website and get more of a realistic forecast instead of some on tv who seem to want the attention. Maybe it is a ploy to get more ratings for the network. Get viewers attention over the weekend and suck them in for ratings. Anyway, I appreciate your forecasts and honesty in the chances of snow/storms hitting. I like your % chance instead of saying “it’s guaranteed to hit”. Just really appreciate how you share your forecasts.


Staff member
Thanks for the kind words.

Mother Nature sure likes to make a mockery of the best intended forecast sometimes. I guess we'll see what she has up her sleeves for this one!
