Thaw line??


New member
I have a question for you. Since mid last week you predicted that the thaw line could be pushed into the north woods. All the local forcast show that the highest temp for around me (southern lower) to be Thursday and that is only going to be around 28. Every other day this week is forcast for high teens to low 20's. Are you thinking that it is going to get warmer then that?? Or does the thaw line not necessarily conenside with the ambiant temp. outside?? Just so you know I am not questioning your forcast. I trust your site by far over any other one out there. Over the years you have proved that you are more accurate that others to me. I just am a little confused here.Thanks


Only sounds like a clarification of the "Thaw Line", not specific forecast.


Technically, it's not a "thaw line", but rather where I believe temps will reach 32.

So if you are south and/or west of the line, you can expect your air temps to reach 32 or more on the day corresponding.



New member
Yea that is what I thought. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. And I was not asking a question about your forcast compaired to others. Thanks again.