The (Furry) Kids


New member
I noticed your comment on the pups still having the tendency of 'jumping' up and saying HI. I have the same situation with my 8-m-old black. She is sooooo happy to meet/greet and its hard to keep her on all 4 wheels. My friends actually have better results than I do......something I have to keep working on I guess. i'll let you know when I produce significant results!!


New member
I found if you put your knee up in the air to hold them back will do the trick over time!!

they cant get close to you -so they don't get confirmation for jumping!!and you stand tall to them--if you bend over to get them back to the ground, they are happy you touched them and came to their level!!stand tall bend leg and hold in air and let dog chest run into knee.

I'm not telling you to hurt or any other abuse this is just a simple step to stop the dog!!

don't remember were or when i heard this but its worked great over the years!!!


Thanks Rusty.

Looks like we are over the hump. Neither have jumped on anyone in about a week, with many opportunities to do so. I am sure there will be some slip ups in the future, but they are still pups. The important thing is they have recognized it is not a welcomed act and are making huge strides towards never doing it again.



New member
Thanks for the intell. I agree….I use the knee / leg trick but its hard to tell others to do the same. You know the story….they wave their hands and push her down but that can simply make the same behavior repeat itself. On the other hand, it is strictly an initial greeting behavior and in less than a minute…..she is done. I guess consistency on my part will be most important… with all training.


New member
From a dog trainers point of view, use the word "off" when you don't want them to jump. "Off" can also work for off the couch, bed,counters etc. Off means 4 on the floor. When teaching the "come command" also teach them to come and sit in front of you. This teaches them to approach people and sit in front of them. Hope this helps.



This is what a dog trainer shared with me. My dog has never been a jumper so I'm not sure how well it works.

When they do jump up, grab their front legs and hold them up. Make them stand on their back legs for a while. It is very uncomfortable for a dog to do this because their hips are not designed to stand on two legs. He said do this a few times and they will stop. He mentioned holding their front legs till they are trying to get down. Make them stand for a bit longer.


I agree with mnuser this is how I trained my dogs and it works great ,after a few times of doing this they wont even jump up on you if you ask them to.I have shown other people this and it worked right away on thier dogs. You just have to hold a little bit till they start to squirm and try to pull away.A old farmer by my house showed me this trick when one of my dogs jumped up on him .