The votes are in


I'm In! Really despise those people.... all talk, but in the end, same old crap-ola. now it's getting worse. what are they going to do when the actual working people (and those that want to work) just decide that if you can get it for free, then why work? then what? socialism only works if there is money to take from the working to give to the non-working. if no one is working, all we have is the SOVIET UNION! i'm all for helping those in need and those genuinely wanting to make their life better, but i just hate handing out money and benefits to people who are just plain lazy and taking advantage of everyone.


New member
I support mulchatna.

Next time I am outside, I will remind myself to thank a wealthy successful person for paying for all this. There hardearned taxes went to pay for this. I know I did not pay for it, so thankyou Mr. Wealthy tax payer for building this, now my poor children can move up from the mosquito infested tire playground to the Government playground.


New member
i used to camp at eaa airventure with a couple guys from the soviet union.they said they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work


I think the money for Onto is coming from the NFL player (Ravens running back), I think.... not the Gov. I think that's great.

Oh, and thanks for the support. I'll be running on a platform of "Stop the Crap-ola! Vote for the Common Sense Man!"

Then I'll spend all the stimulus money on snowmobiling!


New member
Zimmbob, you could be right, but

Its also promoted by Play60, which is also a Govt website promoted by P B.O. at, or

Its disigned to get poor little fat kids off the WII/xbox 360.

But I could be wrong, after all, perception is sometimes reality.

Where is my donut and beer..