The way the national anthem should be


New member
Ah yes, it was wonderful. Christina A. is very talented, no question about it, but tried to sell it too hard and should have learned the words. It's "enough song" and doesn't seed selling.


New member
Ah yes, it was wonderful. Christina A. is very talented, no question about it, but tried to sell it too hard and should have learned the words. It's "enough song" and doesn't seed selling.

they have a tele prompter there C A needs to learn how to read it There is NO EXCUSE for not singing that song right C.A. is a terrible singer any how all she knows how to do is scream and to me thats not singing


New member
they have a tele prompter there C A needs to learn how to read it There is NO EXCUSE for not singing that song right C.A. is a terrible singer any how all she knows how to do is scream and to me thats not singing

Kinda like rap, talking/rhyming to a beat, that's not singing.


New member

It's simple...sing the song clearly and mean it! Leave the "Sugar and Spice" in the spice rack! done rantin'!


New member
I kind of liked the way it was sung at the Bears Stadium for the play-off game with the Pack. It looked appropriate to me.

I was impressed at the " respect " the singer & crowd had . Too bad some of those sorry arse , $$$ dollar players couldn't take their hats off... to show respect for this country, in which they earn a handsome living.

Urlacher had his hat off. ( however his name is spelled )

Sorry anyone going to defend those clowns with the " it was cold outside " garbage .... can just " zip it ".

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