This Holiday


New member
Merry Christmas to you all!
I have family that are Jewish and Jehovah's Witnesses too and they are NOT terrorists. Let's rethink that statement people, after all didn't our families come to this country to be free from religious prosecution?
I'm currently at the Running Bear, going to spend Christmas with the Bears and can't WAIT to RIDE tomorrow (or later today).
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and THINK SNOW!

Our forefathers came here to escape religious issues and among others. I'm half Native American so it's kind of a funny....our forefathers...
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Just a Joke

Merry Christmas to you all!
I have family that are Jewish and Jehovah's Witnesses too and they are NOT terrorists. Let's rethink that statement people, after all didn't our families come to this country to be free from religious prosecution?
I'm currently at the Running Bear, going to spend Christmas with the Bears and can't WAIT to RIDE tomorrow (or later today).
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and THINK SNOW!

Our forefathers came here to escape religious issues and among others. I'm half Native American so it's kind of a funny....our forefathers...

Actually, Anna it's a quote from the TV show 30 Rock. When I know someone is Jewish, I wish them a Happy Hanukkah. It's just that we have gotten a bit too politically correct in worrying about offending someone, anyone with what we say.

I would hope anyone who isn't a Christian would not be offended by someone wishing them a Merry Christmas. It's not a demand to convert to Christianity and it's not a statement that should be offensive to anyone.

Of course they're not terrorists. Terrorists are not about Happy Anything.


New member
Thanks snowhawg I appreciate it the reply and I guess I learned something, I've never seen the show 30 Rock. All I have to say is...forget I said anything. ;)