Tracker, no offence taken here by me and hope none by you, not my intention with these reply's
to answer a few of your things
the Giant squid, and them finding a PART of them in a net, is NOT the same as finding a footprint, one is a actually DNA item and one can be made by other means than a FOOT
one can be faked rather easy (yes I am sure they can fake squid parts too, but having it in hand they can examine it and rule that out with science)
next, I am NOT saying nor ever said, this whole BIG foot deal is a LONG time gag or joke, but just like all legends that last , they need to be told over and over and new folks have to do it!
you wanting to say its in the bible that Bigfoots are there, well, if you think the bible is 100% accurate, well< you want to bring up percentages about how odds and percentaged work
well, if I tell you a story and you repeat it and tell someone else and they repeat it,
it doesn't take long for that story to change from what I told you first!
and the bible was written over yrs of hand me down stories, so?
based on percentages, odds are a LOT of it is inaccurate! due to again human nature
NOW< where in the bible does it talk about dinosaurs?
it doesn't>?
YET we have proof they were here?
SO, you want to believe in Bigfoot with no hard evidence?
based on the bible? that doesn't include things we HAVE proof of
it would sort of make one book seem wrong no?
and again, humans have seen things countless times that are NOT there, and its been known to happen to mass crowds at once too, and proven this stuff has happened and happens
its like when folks look up at the clouds and one see's butterfly and another one see's a cloud?or some other silly object, were all prone to see things we WANT to see at times!
you can tell me all you want about cops, military folks or pilots, but there ALL just humans, so there prone to seeing things that are not there under right conditions and mind sets, or on drugs, thin air, excited, or just WANTING to see something!
in today's high tech world and super costumes and movie making ability, sorting out a TRUE real NON altered picture, or staged picture, or movie is harder than ever and there ARE folks that will TRY and trick others due to they just get off on doing so, which makes it harder than ever to PROVE one exits
and that brings us back to science and the FACT< there is NO DNA of one, NO bones, no body and NO live one were able to see touch or study to prove there real and not just stories and people's imagination
and that is what it will take to PROVE they are real, like it or not, that Giant squid was a rumor till PROOF
yes I did watch your video, and yes bears do move differently than many things do, BUT fakes and movie trickery and such, anything can be made to look as anyone wants it to be made to look
costumes can be elaborate as can be, humans can walk on all fours, add length to limbs using prosthetic's or?
I know some sheet rock guys that can run on stilts and do amazing things on them
so until one is captured or killed, they will ONLY be myths and legends, that a few want to keep going and believing
as without one to shut folks like me up LOL
they are sadly No more real than the Easter Bunny and Santa !