And I am not talking about the picture. (even thought that is pretty awsome). I am talking about all I did was copy and paiste. Indy looks like you ain't the master picture poster anymore....
Because it is a direct link to a picture on a site it will update whenever they update. All you are doing is calling that picture to be displayed. Additionally, if they delete the picture it will disappear.
So, if you do not the image to change or disappear then you should use a picture storage site like Photobucket to save the image. Then as long as you dont delete it, it will stay the same.
The main drawback is...if the site you copied it from deletes it then it will be gone from the post. Or if the site updates the picture but uses the same file name it will update the picture (this is what happens to images on the NCN).
Same thing as using Photobucket. If you delete it from your profile it will not show up on the post. However the picture is static and will never update because you uploaded it.