might start riding again sooner than we thought with this weather!
thanks guys, kneeboarding has taken a a back seat to wakeboarding, but hopefully we can make a comeback, the ball has already started rolling and gaining speed, sales have skyrocketed since this time last year, hopefully soon we can be back to where it was 10 yrs ago
Great Video, I know what you mean about wakeboarding, when I was younger we slalom skied a lot, I also trick skied, and now you hardly see anyone even slalom sking, it is all wakeboarding or tubing for the younger kids. I sold a lot of skis in the 80's and remember getting our first hydroslides around 1980, and also remember buying Skurfers (the first wakeboards) from Tony Finn, the skurfer dude. Both the Skurfers and the first Hydroslides were pretty crude.