This stinks


New member
This upcoming weekend is my yearly trip to the UP. I plan this trip and work out the logistics in July/Aug for lodging, trailer space etc... Yearly we have a group around 10-12 friends and we ride Thur-sun.

I hardly take time off from work as a business owner and I bust my *** all summer while everyone else is playing, and just look forward to this weekend every year.

Last year we canceled because we had so much snow here that no one wanted to go. Now this year no snow up or down.

Not only is it sad that I can not ride but it between our group we spend a few thousand and every penny helps the locals up in the UP. Every year I go up I see more and more places closed due to the poor weather and economy.

Please bring back winter, not only so I can ride but the people who depend on the snow can make an honest living!