Thread Rules - Please Read before posting.


Staff member
Ok, so I have been wanting to do this for a while. I even had ideas of trying to create an entire site based on the concept, but baby steps I guess.

Anyway, there seems to be such a focus on negative things out there in social media, the regular media and life in general, that I decided to create a topic that is for posting content that has a positive tone to it. I guess the best example I can give is after 28 1/2 minutes of showing us things that make us angry, or fearful or fill us full of hate, the news media usually has the final 90 seconds of their programming devoted to the "feel good story". I don't know why it is not the other way around. I personally could care less about all the other crap they are telling me for the previous 28 1/2 minutes.

So here is my chance to turn the tables (at least in my life). You can post ANYTHING uplifting/positive/funny here. Most of the rules of the board still apply here, except if the post has a political or religious tone to it and is still positive, then it can be posted. The nature to the post does not have to be on topic with the site at all. If it will bring some happiness, then post away. It can include links to stories on other websites.

I will be HEAVILY moderating this topic area. So if you decide to be funny and break the rules, you will be wasting your time. I, or other moderators will pull it as soon as can be.

I have no idea how this "experiment" will work. I know I love to focus on the positive and enjoy all the positive things that I can get into my life. If you are not like this...don't come here and read the posts. Its that simple.

Thanks and hopefully this will be the start of something great!



Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for the opportunity John. Here's something that made me smile the other day... saw it in a shop that my wife frequents.



Active member
Just a brief observation/opinion:
I think I would have preferred a "new" thread designed solely and exclusively for posting all the carping, bitchin', bellyachin' and personal feudin' that has been proliferating various threads of late, that way I could just block all that negativity with one swift kick, er… click, leaving the remainder of the forum for "uplifting/positive/funny" postings. Yes! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Wife suggested I come with her to a quilting bee and maybe start a quilting hobby of my own to help calm me down a bit....what do you guys think?



Well-known member
this is just the rules sticky thread, right?

One a youse needs to break the cherry on this new forum.

doubt you want me to do it......come on...I am starting to lose hope in mankind!


Staff member
this is just the rules sticky thread, right?

One a youse needs to break the cherry on this new forum.

doubt you want me to do it......come on...I am starting to lose hope in mankind!

Yep, new posts should go into a new thread and then folks can make comments on them.

As long as it bring a smile and/or chuckle, go for it snobuilder. The quilt pic might have been "edgy" for some, but not me and made me chuckle.



John, great idea! Can't agree with you more on the news "crap" too! It's too bad that most of us focus on negative aspects of life and not more of the positive ones. I've often wondered if a 30 minute show on positive stories would even make a go of it? It would be nice to hear some positive stories revolving around communities, businesses, people, organizations....etc......of all spectrums to show there are good things happening in today's world too!

Oh by the way, I do like watching the weather segment during the news.....does that count as "crap"? LOL! Only when they don't predict snow!!! :)

Thanks again John,
