Throttle Gizmo


New member
I recall awhile ago there being a thread about some type of product you can add on to your throttle to help folks who get sore thumbs. Anyone remember this or know where I can find one a friend's girlfriend is having an issue?



SnoBunje sells something called a Throttle Flare. DennisKirk has it. They also make "thumb things" which are just neoprene thumb supports to help with fatigue. There are other versions out there as well. Easy search and you'll find lots of alternatives to try. There are products that will make the throttle easier to push as well. Some sleds are a bit stiff.


New member
Purchased this one for my wife a few years ago and she loved it. It was great for "every day riding", but it would not let her get max power (the gizmo would hit the handlebar) so when she needed max power she just used the traditional throttle.

I put the wifes in a vice and bent it down a little so she could get max power, also i think it is a little safer now that there is no chance for it to get caught on the handelbar


New member
i bought the wife a thumb thing. she used it for a year or two now she doesn't need it anymore. also doesn't matter what sled she rides. about $20.