Through the ice?????


New member
Can anybody recall the last time a sled went through the ice in the Mercer/Hurley area in the middle of February. The reason I ask is because we are staying in a cabin on Island Lake next weekend, my wife refuses to let our seven year old son ride his quad on the lake due to the warm up that is supposed to be coming. Can anybody tell me how thick the ice would be on Island Lake this time of year. My son would really appreciate any help. Thanks


Can anybody recall the last time a sled went through the ice in the Mercer/Hurley area in the middle of February. The reason I ask is because we are staying in a cabin on Island Lake next weekend, my wife refuses to let our seven year old son ride his quad on the lake due to the warm up that is supposed to be coming. Can anybody tell me how thick the ice would be on Island Lake this time of year. My son would really appreciate any help. Thanks

I'm not familiar with that lake but here in LaCrosse on the Mississippi there must have be 100 pickup on the ice yesterday.


New member
fcat700, i was in lacrosse once for october-fest... what a hoot that was!! an experience i'll never forget! sorry didn't mean to change the subject:(
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Well let's just say we have a cabin on the flambeau flowage and usually ice off ice in April. 2 years ago almost didn't have opening day. I, however, would not let him out alone and remember to watch out for slush.


Active member
For sure ask the locals - ice fisherman are best when it's not a snowmobile route. Gotta find out where the flowages/thin ice are.

I'm a mom and would be fine with my kids riding as long as I had the good infoM

When the oldest was learning how to snowmobile we'd take him to a lake we knew was safe - made sure to ask the ice fisherman if there were any areas to steer cleaar of.


New member
I have been fishing lakes just south of there for the last few days. I have had anywhere from 16" to 18" all over. The snow on the ice may melt a bit and make a little slush but the overall thickness of will most likely not change until most of the snow if gone as it does insulate it.


New member
Last weekend there were 8 guys standing in a circle with 7 sleds on a small pond near saginaw with a large hole in the ice. I doubt they were ice fishing!!


Active member
Just need to know where the springs, flowages, etc...are on the lake if any. Not every lake is going to be the same, so if someone says ice on this lake in that area is 2 ft, don't assume it is the same on the lake you are staying at.

Maybe wife should ride on the back of the wheeler, lol