

New member
Just talking to some guys at work and we figured it out. Tigers wife was chasing him down the driveway beating on the car with golf clubs trying to make a point.


I agree, "no, you are NOT going golfing AGAIN tomorrow! I don't care if it IS your JOB" LOL. As far as Tiger not talking, his personel life is just that, and it is nobody's business.


New member
damn,tiger woods is worth a billion dollars,has a drop dead gorgeous wife, a new baby,and he is still knocking boots with other bootie.


New member
Wouldn't it be funny if it comes out that she cold-cocked him then chased him out of the garage with his driver!

Then in a split second, he decided to hit whatever he could, in his Escalade, to make it look like he got hurt in the/a crash!

Ha! This guy is a piece of work - Good luck el Tigre!


New member
Hey....now who hasn't had their wife beat the windows open with a golf club, after being out all night on the town?

GM will probably GIVE him a new escalade for all the footage of the beat up SUV.

When you are tiger....there are so many women throwing themselves at him, and so little time between tournaments.

I predict that this guy will have even more endorsements for the bargain, after all this...the media loves this guy and they can't get enough of him.

What's a little skirmish between a husband and a wife anyways??? Darn neighbors....always calling 911 when they should be tending to their own knitting.


Well-known member
the minute I heard the initial report say that she used a golf club to beat out the window in a rescue attempt I LMAO, and told the wife riiiiight!,bet she was chasin his cheatin butt down the driverway.


This is what happend..

Woods is over at shaquille oneil crib
with a bunch 10k a day call girls
and the usual crowd of cronnies.

Woods comes strolling into his house
at 2 a.m with hopes that wifey is
fast asleep.

Ut ohhhh wifey is awake and she is
peeeee od that tiger is stinkin like
a 10k a day call girl.

Argument breaks out and wify chasses
tiger down the drive way with a golf club.

all of a sudden 'WHAMO' she hits the
escalde and breaks the back window
tiger freeks out and slams into the
fire hydrant and the neighbors tree.

End of Story.


New member
I'll bet He was going real early for Black Friday and she didnt like getting up that early !LOL!!


I never likes woods after he took my buddy Fluff Mc Gowen off the
bag 10 years ago, yea see, Fluff and I go way back to when he was
loopin for ( Big Mama ) any one remeber Jo ann Carter? and I was
on Shelly Hamlins bag for a season.

Personally , I hope he shanks every time he pulls the club
wifey wacked the escalde with!


New member
What's the difference between Tigers Escalade and his Nike golf ball?

He's able to drive his golf ball 300 yards before it hits something


If you look at the pics of the SUV, there is NO damage to the driver side door. Why would she have to break the window to get him out, just open the door. Unless it was locked, they did say he was unconscious, again all damage on the passenger side why would he be knocked out? Which makes me tink that she beat him with the club before he got into the car. Once in the car he passed out from the Azzz beatin, all the while she is chasing him down the road try to hit him some more and all she could reach was the window and off the road he goes into the tree.