titleing truck in WI


Active member
I just bought a truck for $2000...how much is it going to cost me at the dmv to transfer the title,transfering the plates(using my old plates from a previous car)and new tabs...it christmas so im pretty broke until the new year.Just trying to get an idea how much they are going to rip me off.


New member
Tax,Title,and tranfer plate. Here in MI. your looking at a easy $ 200.00 if not more. Then comes the Insurance. Maybe Santa will bring you some Green Backs............ Good Luck and Merry Christmas !


Active member
Suggest you google WI DMV and check out the costs. Tax at 5% of the $2000 will be collected for sure. In Dane Co., it'll be 5.5% - the old jail tax is still in force. If you had a car, the plates will not transfer - Truck B plates are typical for a 1/2 ton.


They collect tax for the sale (say 5.5% comes to $110), $84 for the stickers, and probably at least $20-30 for service fee. And eyeman is right, you will have to get truck plates. Not sure what those cost, but you are probably looking around the $250-300 range.


Active member
its a durango so i can still have car plates..thanks guys that is what i was expecting. Sales tax in washburn county is 5% so %5 on $2000 for sure.