Today's Forecast Text & Graphic not up yet?


Active member
I got mine via email quite early today (7AM MST!), although the first graphic did say "Updated: 10 am Thursday January 6" {smile}

But still no sign of 'em on as of 10:56AM MST (12:56AM EST)!?
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New member
Hey John,

Do you get some sick pleasure in making us squirm? :) That is twice in a row on major events in SE Wisconsin with out a morning update.

That settles it. I am going to donate now to get your forecasts early.

Thanks For Everything John You Are The Best !!!!!


New member
frnash, Can you post to let me know where I go on this sight to make a donation and sign up for email forecasts?

Thanks !


Active member
Can somebody post the Forecast Graphic?
It's there now, along with the text forecast, although the first graphic does say "Updated: 10 am Thursday January 6" {smile}

If you still don't see it, you may have to refresh/reload the page in your browser.
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