Togwotee Crash


This is what happens when your throttle sticks. Came down one side of the mountain up other side into a couple pines at 90mph. Got it on video. At least it looked like 90 mph. Nobody got hurt but no more dragon. IMG_0059.jpg 2013-02-24_11-42-48_769.jpg


Well-known member
Holy Crap! Just a tad more than the Duct Tape can handle! That sucks for sure. You have earned the designated membership to the "Ghost Rider" club. I am familiar with it, had one in my group. Be thankful you were not on board.-Mezz


New member
Wow ya got lucky just told the wife to make sure the sled ins. is paid up, i leave for lava mt. in two weeks.


Hope they get more snow for your trip. Just rode there today. Rode dirt out of the lodge. Had to run the scratchers to keep the sleds cool enough. Ride trail out 1 or 2 miles snow gets much better


New member
Hope they get more snow for your trip. Just rode there today. Rode dirt out of the lodge. Had to run the scratchers to keep the sleds cool enough. Ride trail out 1 or 2 miles snow gets much better

Did you go out the back way towards Lava mtn. or rode ditch towards Brookes lake?


I just installed a tether on my snowmobile, just for a little added security and to help prevent something like this from happening. Sorry to hear about your snowmobile, but glad no one was hurt.


We rode the ditch west to the trail. I noticed a hill not far from the lodge that we tore up last year had no snow on it. It's not that big of a deal but we surely noticed the difference from last year. You will still find good snow, just got to ride a little ways. Lava mtn. lodge said they haven't had a good snow since december.


Any video of this yet? Might be interesting to see!

One of the guys got a helmet cam video. He got half of the action. One big snow dust storm going thru the mountain up the other side into the pines. You gotta watch it twice so you don't miss the action. I will see if I can get him to help me post it. You should see the video my wife took tonight of myself dragging the dragon thru togwotee lodge back to the trailer with our pickup. Not that was funny. I will see if I can figure out on how to post a vid.