Togwotee mountain lodge


John- When you guys ride out west,how do you get your sleds there? Do you trailer them yourselves or have them transported and fly out. Either way, how long does it take to get the sleds out there.



We all bring our sled out there. The past two years we had a flatbed semi take them all out, this year we are using a 6 place and 4 place to bring them out. It takes us around 25-26 hours from here. You could knock off about 6 hours if you are heading out from the twin cities and a few hours if you are heading out from Chicago.

My first year out I rode a rental from Togwotee. They are great sleds and set up very well for riding out there, so don't be afraid to rent if you do not have a sled that is setup or good for mountain riding.
