Took off old UPMI & WI Snomo Stickers no problem came right off & didn't have to use my trusty pig sticker blade to get them started. Put on new WI Sticker which is blue better than the old green sticker colorwise & has larger numbers but black lettering contrast is poor quaility IMO. Anywho checked all the Attak Fluids tuned the key & that baby fired up like midseason form!!! No burps just purred like a kitten on 1st crank even the clock was right on at I was surprised as 1st time I didn't start in mid summer just let it rest since late March until today. I put the saddlebags back on & put leatherman tool, space blanket & compass back in bags & stuffed a tow rope in the rear pocket just incase. Note to self to to buy a new spare belt, wiped Black Magic protector on the seat hooked up battery charger on maintain & closed up trailer done just as sleet started falling. I also aired up the trailer tires. Just seemed toooooooooo darn easy but ok with me.