Tracks on a Jeep?


Last year someone was selling a Jeep Wrangler with a set of tracks. The tracks were made somewhere in Michigan.

Does anyone remember this?
I've been working on a Jeep project and would like to get info on the place in Michigan that made them. I do know that there is a company called Mattracks also.

Thanks for the info.


Active member
I'll betcha this is the one you're thinking of:
Click → American Track Truck, in Chassell, MI.

In case you haven't done so, read the Testimonial, from someone with a cabin at 8,000' elevation about 15 miles from Park City Utah, about six miles from the highway and about 1,700 feet higher up the mountain.

Also check out the videos!


New member
Let me know if you have all the information you need for American Track Truck, I maintain the website for them.


Saarit, I sent an email to American track truck, but no reply. Are they closed, I would like to find out about their track systems.