JR37, What kind of issues do you run into with the Tuckers maintenance wise? I have always wondered how they hold up compared to tractors. What tractor does your club have if you don't mind me asking? Thanks!
Because of it being a steel track, there are a broken cleat once in a while, need to grease many wheel bearings and check and repack them every year. For our Tucker, we have totally rebuilt the tracks (new belts, rebuilt cleats, all bearings checked or replaced), the rear end has been rebuilt, and others that just don't come to mind right now.
We are a few years away from replacing it yet, but hope to demo a unit with the Soucy tracks this year. I don't foresee replacing the tractor at all. We have a Case/IH 5130, big tires all around, chains front and back, front winch, brush guard, etc. The chains on them big tires on the rear give it an incredible amount of traction.