trail stickers on rentals?


New member
Been to Krupp's this week and people next door had six rental sleds from Dans Poo shop, no trail stickers on any of them. What is going on do they have a fleet sticker so they don't have to sticker each sled or what? dan


Well-known member
This used to be an issue for us when we rented in Eagle River, since we inevitably went into Wisconsin at some point. Some of the sleds would have stickers and some didn't. Luck of the draw I guess.

Chicago Boy

New member
Rental stickers

Well here we go. Just so you know it's spelled Dans Polaris not (Dans poo) read the rules
I rent from Dans for my friends I bring up north all his sled have them.and remember the trail stickers pay so you have trails
To ride.posting about local guys trying the best they can to put sleds back together after people crash in to trees cars and anything else they can find
Won't get you very far on this site .If you ask me all the shops that rent sleds should get a free pass on trail stickers if not for them thousands of people
Each year would never be able to try snowmobiling and spend all that money up here so think about that


New member
Well here we go. Just so you know it's spelled Dans Polaris not (Dans poo) read the rules
I rent from Dans for my friends I bring up north all his sled have them.and remember the trail stickers pay so you have trails
To ride.posting about local guys trying the best they can to put sleds back together after people crash in to trees cars and anything else they can find
Won't get you very far on this site .If you ask me all the shops that rent sleds should get a free pass on trail stickers if not for them thousands of people
Each year would never be able to try snowmobiling and spend all that money up here so think about that



New member
Whoa here-lets straighten this out before it gets blown out of proportion--
The sled rentals that were here from Dans Polaris DID have trail permits. After the fella left that had rented them, we needed to move them elsewhere until Dans picked them up. We did notice that the trail stickers were behind the windshield on the cowling. We talked to Jack @ Dans Polaris and the reason they are placed there is because of being rentals, they get alot of broken windshields. Jack @ Dans is quite aware of what the trail stickers do for the program as he has been very involved in grooming and the grooming program.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Whoa here-lets straighten this out before it gets blown out of proportion--
The sled rentals that were here from Dans Polaris DID have trail permits. After the fella left that had rented them, we needed to move them elsewhere until Dans picked them up. We did notice that the trail stickers were behind the windshield on the cowling. We talked to Jack @ Dans Polaris and the reason they are placed there is because of being rentals, they get alot of broken windshields. Jack @ Dans is quite aware of what the trail stickers do for the program as he has been very involved in grooming and the grooming program.

And there is the answer! :)

Also, that is why my trail sticker is on my hood, and not my windshield, bust the windshield, and you have $90 bucks for a new windshield, and $45 for a new trail sticker LOL.


New member
We are the "renters" that are being referred to and yes, they ALL had trail stickers on them! Thank you Sandy for clarifying for us! Our group has been renting from DANS POLARIS for years with
excellent service and trail stickers on sleds EVERY year! Even though we are riding rentals, it
doesn't mean we are "newbies" to the sport! ALL of us have thousands of miles under our belts
and we DO know the rules and what permits are required to ride the trail system and verify our
sleds are in accordance with those rules! Had a great time in the UP this week and will be back
again next year...on rentals!:D


Active member
You guys might be on to something. Maybe us sled owners are the real fools? LOL. Own a sled to use 3 months out of the year and chasing the snow each time. Hmmmmmmm!