Trailer racing???


New member
How many out there cannot stand to see another snowmobile trailer in front of them only to pass for a few minute gain? Is it just me?? What a stupid question??

Team Elkhorn

Im the opposite, Ill tuck in behind a group of trailers, especially if we are traveling alone at night. I dont know, safety in numbers? Anyway i find comfort in following a line of trailer lites.


Active member
Im the opposite, Ill tuck in behind a group of trailers, especially if we are traveling alone at night. I dont know, safety in numbers? Anyway i find comfort in following a line of trailer lites.
Lettin' the lead vehicle be the "deer magnet", eh? {smile}

Team Elkhorn

Maybe. ;) Hey im not a junior member anymore, Weee! Cant wait to show my wife! LOL
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New member
or being the tail vehicle allows you to draft...

People with 400+ HP engines in their trucks don't need to draft. Sounds like a TOYota problem.

Most trucks with trailers can't keep up with my rig so I'd say it's not like I'm "passing on purpose" to be the leader; it just naturally happens.


Well-known member
People with 400+ HP engines in their trucks don't need to draft. Sounds like a TOYota problem.

Most trucks with trailers can't keep up with my rig so I'd say it's not like I'm "passing on purpose" to be the leader; it just naturally happens.

Sounds like small (blank) syndrome to me. Besides, I'd rather be passing you on the hill and in the bush than on the road. =O
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Back in my younger years, I felt the same way. Now I just set the cruise at 70-75 and go.

BUT, if I am coming on to I39 (Portage) and heading home (north) and see a truck with some sleds ahead of me, I will speed to catch up, just to see what kind of sleds they have. LOL.


Well-known member
I just like to cruise at MY speed. If that requires passing someone, I do it.

What get's me is why people don't just "let" a faster moving vehicle pass. Those that try to prevent you from passing by "stepping on it" should have THEIR license suspended, they create a VERY dangerous situation and just p*ss someone else off. JMHO.


People with 400+ HP engines in their trucks don't need to draft. Sounds like a TOYota problem.

Most trucks with trailers can't keep up with my rig so I'd say it's not like I'm "passing on purpose" to be the leader; it just naturally happens.

So, if your truck has a certain power aerodynamics no longer apply to it? news to me, lol.


Active member
...Pass 'em all...let god sort'em out"........LOL

I would rather just follow.....once i push my truck and enclosed past 68-70 she gobble gas at a ferocious rate....


Active member
After seeing a friend's brand new sled (with 1.5 miles on it) get totaled by a deer while on a open trailer, I'm all for drafting/deer protection. Although, kind of like Skylar, if I can't get a good look from behind at the sleds, I'll pass just to take a peek, especially for brand new sleds.


New member
Right on renegade600, fuel consumption greatly increases when those rpm's get up there. If I can fund an extra trip just by backing off the throttle during the rest of the trips, it's worth it to me.

I do admit tho to being guilty of speeding up just like Skylar to see others' rigs and sleds :)


New member
I hate following trailers. It's harder to see farther in front of you (if it is just a car or truck you can usually see a few car lengths in front of the vehicle you are following, or use their headlights at night). And not that any of us are guilty, but it seems to me that things are more likely to come loose on a trailer and fall off than another vehicle.

Not to mention who knows what the guy pulling the trailer is going to do if he does hit a deer. Best case scenario is he hits the deer and pushes it off the road. Worst case scenario, he slams on the brakes, fishtails his trailer, blocks the whole road and now you have nowhere to go but into him.

No I'd rather be in the lead, at least there you have a pretty good idea of what you are dealing with... Plus when passing you get to check out the sleds that are being hauled (I am always amazed to see how many sleds are held on trailers my nylon tie downs alone - you know the average 1.5-2" wide nylon tie down is only rated for 200 lbs, assume 2 per sled most commonly what I see, and you have somewhere between 100-200 lbs over the rated capacity assuming each strap holds an equal load - which is unlikely.)

Whew. I've practiced that speech before. Usually when my wife is telling me I am going too fast am passing dangerously...




Usually set the cruise around 71-73 w/ the 4 place enclosed. Fuel mileage is terrible.

Then I usually get yelled at to go faster by the back seat drivers.


New member
Having witnessed too many near accidents in my 16 yrs going north, I now set my cruise at 70-73 mph. 5 mph on a 3 hr trip (15 miles-an extra 10-15 min) doesn't justify the additional fuel use to me. I also have formed the opinion that those fools flying north and creating havoc with their vehicles drive their sleds in similar fashion.


72mph on the cruise! Had to many visits in the past from my friends at the Wi State Police! And I have to say they are pretty thick on HWY 39/51N whenever I go! ? Go figure? I too though am guilty of speeding up a bit to check out people's rigs! We had to make a day trip up to MN Sunday and on the way back down 90/94 from Tomah we hit a few rigs and it sure gave me the ITCH BIG TIME!
