Travelling away from snow???


New member
My 14 year old son and I cant take it anymore,lack of snow is making me edgy.We planned our yearly trip to mercer a couple weeks ago.We are leaving tonight and the forcast here calling for 6-8" tomorrow and then warming up for our return on tuesday.If my kid wasnt so jacked up about the trip id postpone.....aarrgghh


New member
I hear ya, we are leaving for up nort tomorrow afternoon with 6 to 10 predicted here go figure, But it will be a week or so before they have it panned and groomed if then!


New member
Were doing the same leaving for Boulder in the morning. Kind of a bummer would like to ride around home but you can't beat a weekend up north.


New member
I'll jump on this wagon too. Leaving tomorrow for Northern Michigan and we are getting 4-7 on top of the 4" we just got. It will still be much better riding up there.


I hear ya, we are leaving for up nort tomorrow afternoon with 6 to 10 predicted here go figure, But it will be a week or so before they have it panned and groomed if then!

whoa whoa whoa....hold the phone here...Iowa has groomers?

: I've had the same thing happen to me...but for you, do you have a base over there already?


New member
Same thing with us, I have waited 2 months for snow here in NW Illinois, we finally have a base snow and another
4-8 on the way today and of course it happens to come on the very day we are leaving for UP, so instead of sledding
Here I will be driving into the heart of it, never fails, then by the time we get back it will be gone.