Tree Art Like or Dislike?


Well-known member
Next door neighbor hired an artist to wrap a tree hardwood trunk in his yard with bold colors of striped & plaid cloth. The random pattern is about 10-12 feet long. He came over asked what I thought & I said "Ok I guess but need to get my head around it over a month or so & give you a better answer". He then told me many people had complained & told him to remove it ASAP at all costs. I said well decorating Xmas trees is tree art & have seen some pine trees in Phelps with read & blue reflectors hung on them looks nice & marked the county road intersection at night. Lots of people hang name signs & arrows on random trees along the county roads to show the way & that could be considered tree art too. So IMO leave your tree art up Ok with me! Anywho I thought some tree art might be appropriate along the trails especially when you are approaching a nasty curve give you something pretty to look at & slow you down a bit. I was thinking of starting out with some red reflective tape inexpensive & pretty at night when snowmobile lights reflect a red pattern. Before I did anything I thought I would ask the JD membership for guidance as I don't want to break any laws & know art is always controversial. What do think??

I'm going riding now so will check back later & hope to see what you all think about tree art.
Happy Trails :)

Team Elkhorn

I think I've seen trees decorated like that. Meh, seems like a new way to get you to spend money you didn't even know you had to spend. Post a pic.:)

Banjo Man

New member
I used to ride with a guy who knew the northwoods like the back of his hand and he marked trees to show his shortcuts. It was cool and I continued to use them when leading other groups so I
see nothing wrong with that type of Tree Art


Well-known member
I used to ride with a guy who knew the northwoods like the back of his hand and he marked trees to show his shortcuts. It was cool and I continued to use them when leading other groups so I
see nothing wrong with that type of Tree Art

I think you are on the correct path Banjo Man tree art can even warn you of let's see a curve enhanced artfully of course to be in line with the holiday spirit.:)


New member
whitedust, they mark the trails up in Canada like that all the time, groomer driver, club member, even us trolls would go back and tie a ribbon on a tree branch just to warn others something was ahead. Big rock in the trail, branch hanging out, you name it. Saved my butt plenty of times, time to stock up on reflective tape it looks like, just mark them on our own, is there something wrong with yelling "look out, or duck" to our fellow riders?


Well-known member
Way to go Marty!! Ace Hardware sells relective tape may be sold out soon who knows art is trendy you know.:)