As the title says, I went to the title office ( I'm from Ohio) to pay the taxes on the used sled I purchased in March and parked in the trailer. Went in the office and told the lady that I needed to pay the taxes on my sled. She looked at me like I was crazy and said that I didn't need to do that. I told her that I purchased a used sled 3 years ago and did not pay the taxes on it, not knowing that I needed to. Shortly thereafter, I got a letter from the state saying I owed them $ for the taxes on the purchase. I sent my payment in and all was good. So when I bought this sled, I tried to do everything correctly. I went next door and registered it with the state of Ohio, got my sticker and left. Just wondering how long it will take for the state to figure out that they got shorted and send me a letter?