Trip to Grand Mesa, CO .. .1 more needed, Jan. 29 thru Feb. 6th . . within!


New member
There's a bunch of guys I'm going out to Grand Mesa with and we need 1 more guy to fill out the trailer .. .They're are planning to leave from the Twin Cities in MN on Friday afternoon Jan 29th, coming down thru Iowa- on I-35- to pick me up in Des Moines, then west on I80 .. . . Arrive in Cedaredge Colorado Jan 30th late morning is the plan. Ride Saturday thru Friday. Come home early Saturday Feb 6th. So I am just checking to see if anyone else is interested and could make those dates work??? Obviously you'd have to meet up with us somewhere along the route and load on from there . Part two of the group is leaving a little later and will show up out there on sunday nite..another 4-5 guys.

We'll be staying at Thunder Mountain Lodge in 2 different cabins. .chek out the link for info on them-

Not a bunch of drinkers and party boys .. .going to ride. ..couple of Christian men in the group. .if that's a bad thing you might not have fun .ha! . . . .usually bring along breakfast, lunch, supper, & snack stuff to make it a little cheaper tho if you chose to eat out every day that's available at the lodge ..

. . and if ya aren't riding at least a 144 it's probably not gonna work very well out there . .they do rent sleds at the lodge tho too .. . Beacon, backpack, probe, shovel, overnite gear would probably be considered mandatory gear

..if you've never been to Mesa. . .here's a link to what it's like -

Ok that is the short version of everything. Pm me or email Delo at for more information. Thanks.

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