Trip to Munising

Hi John,

I know you don't live in Munising but was wondering if you can help us out. Planning to Leave early tomorrow morning to ride Munising for 4 days. Is it worth the 4 + hour trip up there? Any idea when exactly the rain will start. I was so excited to go (we have never been to this area) but now wondering if we should cancel with the rain coming. Thanks in advance for the reply!


Staff member
Impossible for me to say if you should go as I have not been to Munising in over 2 years, so I have no clue what kind of shape things are in right now.

I can tell you that the rains will arrive during the day on Thursday and will end around the time they are ringing in the New Year.

Thanks John, I think we will give it a try and get going early tomorrow morning. If it rains, we will just hit the casino! :) Thanks again John...