I put a post on here a while ago about rod holders, setting up my Smokercraft for fishing the big pond. I'm finally doing it, Well.... I bought a set of Big John shorty down riggers and 6 fully adjustable rod holders for along the rail to run dipsys and boards off of. My question is anchoring the holders to the rail (flat portion around edge of boat) I plan on Fabing an 1/4' thick aluminum plate about 18 to 24" long to mount the rod holders to using stainless machine thread screws. If I just anchor the plate to the rail by using self tapping screws, 3 sets of 2 will it be enough to hold in place with pull of trolling rods in it or should I fab a plate for underside of rail for support. the inside walls and rails of boat are enclosed and carpeted with rod holder compartments in side of boat so access to under the rail might...MIGHT not be too difficult but expecting it would be. It is an aluminum boat, I plan on running Dipsys, Magnum dipsys with braid and wire rods, Off shore trolling boards with 2 to 8 color lead core and 75 to 150 copper and super copper line off of boards to give an idea as to how much pull will be on holders. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks guys!